Doing as Dancers Do to Make Meaningful Life Changes


How can we become in tune with ourselves and focus our attention on what matters most?  “Abby, point your toes, tuck your pelvis, and drop your hip.” Growing up as a dancer, I would often hear these comments from my teachers as I spent countless afternoons in the dance studio.… Continue reading

Becoming Ambitious for Christ

Busy street crowded with taxis and people

The world demands that we be ambitious if we want to be successful, but what would happen if we focused our ambitions on Christ? When American academic William S. Clark went to Japan in 1874, he left his students with a rousing speech. The most famous part of that speech… Continue reading

How to Focus on What’s Important

We are constantly surrounded by distractions. When we take time to think about our goals, the Lord will guide us in achieving all he has planned for us. Today, distractions are everywhere. Social media, streaming platforms, and time-wasting games surround us, demanding our attention. To complicate matters, not all distractions… Continue reading

Lessons from Quarantine on What Matters Most

We can use the lessons we’ve learned from months of quarantine in order to remember what things matter most. As I watched the world shut down around me in March 2020, I felt my individual world shut down as well. Weeks of quarantine turned into months and even a year.… Continue reading