Mormons and Muhammad

When studying Islam in a world religions class, I couldn’t deny the gospel light I found in Muhammad’s teachings—but how was I to reconcile the truth in Islam with my own faith? Continue reading
When studying Islam in a world religions class, I couldn’t deny the gospel light I found in Muhammad’s teachings—but how was I to reconcile the truth in Islam with my own faith? Continue reading
I sometimes forget how real the faith of the early Latter-day Saints was. But as I visited Joseph and Emma Smith’s small home at the Priesthood Restoration Site, I was reminded of their sacrifices—and my testimony was strengthened. My parents wanted to go see the Priesthood Restoration Site near the… Continue reading
The translation of the Book of Mormon was a miracle of modern revelation. When most of us hear the word translation, we think of bilingual dictionaries, conjugation charts, and Google Translate. If we need to verify that something is translated correctly, we might ask a native speaker or someone who… Continue reading
An in-depth study of the Savior in the scriptures will bring us closer to him this Easter season. Are you looking for a way to come to know the Savior a little better this Easter? President Russell M. Nelson has not only challenged young adults do that, but he has also… Continue reading
The Relief Society, the world’s longest-running organization for women, has recently made changes to its purpose statement. One hundred seventy-five years ago, on March 17, 1842, Joseph Smith formally organized early Latter-day Saint women into an organization called Relief Society. Today, this organization is still blessing the lives of millions of people… Continue reading
I wanted to know how God spoke to me. But instead, I learned how to speak to him. When we talk about Joseph Smith’s First Vision, we often marvel at how young Joseph was when God and Jesus Christ appeared to him. On one hand, I do think it’s incredible… Continue reading
When aspects of Church history raise doubts, study and faith can help us navigate historical facts and lead us to answers. Sometimes learning about Church history can build testimonies, but other times, it can shake them. In his Ensign and Liahona article “Understanding Church History by Study and Faith,” Keith… Continue reading
Despite hard trials and difficult separations from her husband, Emma Smith remained faithful to the Lord. It is well known that Emma Smith was the wife of Joseph Smith, the first president of the Relief Society, and the compiler of the first LDS hymnbook. Yet we don’t often hear her words directly. In… Continue reading
Before Joseph Smith ran for US president, he established an organization in Nauvoo to govern the temporal concerns of the Saints. He called the group “the Council of Fifty.” I remember the first time I learned about Joseph Smith’s seer stones, polygamous relationships, and other uncomfortable tidbits of Mormon history. I… Continue reading