Sacrificing Seconds to Seek Service

Sacrificing time for service will help you love those you serve. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are asked to perform many acts of service, especially through our callings. Sister Cristina B. Franco notes in her talk “The Joy of Unselfish Service” that in… Continue reading

The Prophet, the Presidency, the Process

How is a new prophet called, and what does it mean to sustain him? When President Thomas S. Monson passed away January 2, 2018, millions mourned the loss of this compassionate prophet of God. For many of us, he was in the First Presidency for as long as we’ve been… Continue reading

Elder Ronald A. Rasband: A Life of Service

Ronald A. Rasband

Elder Ronald A. Rasband said of his call to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: “It was the Lord’s decision and . . . I needed to understand that and have it confirmed to me.” Elder Ronald A. Rasband was sustained on October 3, 2015, as a member of the… Continue reading