How Managing Your Finances Can Help You Build God’s Kingdom

Managing your finances with the right perspective can make it a spiritual affair and help you build the kingdom of God.  When it comes to our financial lives, it can be easy to focus on ourselves, but managing our finances doesn’t have to be a selfish experience. In his devotional… Continue reading

Sacrificing Seconds to Seek Service

Sacrificing time for service will help you love those you serve. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are asked to perform many acts of service, especially through our callings. Sister Cristina B. Franco notes in her talk “The Joy of Unselfish Service” that in… Continue reading

Why Do You Go to Church?

We will get more out of church attendance by focusing on what we can contribute and on whom we can serve than if we just go for our own benefit. Near the end of my high school experience, I stopped going to Mutual—but not for the reasons you might think.… Continue reading

Come Follow Me: More Than Just a Manual

The Church’s new program invites us to become more converted in our love of Christ through teaching gospel truths. Christians everywhere recognize the phrase “Come, follow me” as Christ’s invitation to follow his example. In October 2016, Elder Robert D. Hales taught about this invitation to follow the Savior in his… Continue reading

Louise Yates Robison: An Ordinary Extraordinary Woman

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Louise Yates Robinson’s life of service shows us that all women can be extraordinary, no matter how ordinary they are. You have probably never heard of Louise Yates Robison (1866–1946), and that would most likely please her. In the Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Janath R. Cannon tells us that Louise was… Continue reading