Sacrificing Seconds to Seek Service

Sacrificing time for service will help you love those you serve. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are asked to perform many acts of service, especially through our callings. Sister Cristina B. Franco notes in her talk “The Joy of Unselfish Service” that in… Continue reading

How Does the Resurrection Affect my Discipleship?

Having a knowledge of the Resurrection gives us hope and strength to live the gospel more fully. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ was one of the most important events in human history. It was an integral part of the plan of salvation, one that prophets looked forward to for centuries.… Continue reading

The Weekly Call: How Do I Support My Missionary?

With more opportunities to communicate with missionaries serving from our families, what can we do to better support and encourage them? In an exciting recent announcement, the First Presidency stated, “Effective immediately, missionaries may communicate with their families on their weekly preparation day via text messages, online messaging, phone calls… Continue reading