Recovery from Abuse

Abuse is an unfortunate reality in our fallen world, but the Lord will ensure we find the tools to overcome traumas we face. In his talk “To Heal the Shattering Consequences of Abuse,” Elder Richard G. Scott says, “Moral agency is a vital element in our Father in Heaven’s plan… Continue reading

Seeing, Stopping, and Surviving Suicide

two women on couch in mourning

You or someone you know may be thinking of suicide. Learn how to tell, how to help, and how to heal after a suicide attempt.  According to Dr. Kenichi Shimokawa of LDS Family Services, suicide is the second-leading cause of death among people between 15 and 29 years of age… Continue reading

Combating Suicide

Man sitting alone on bench in darkness

The LDS Church has recently launched a new webpage, “Preventing Suicide,” to combat suicide and its traumatic effects.  Suicide is difficult for many of us to talk about—perhaps because we don’t want to be vulnerable, make others uncomfortable, or say the wrong thing to someone who we know is struggling.… Continue reading