Finding God in Our Storms

In our storms, God is with us. Though he doesn’t always calm the storm, he can calm us to be able to bear the storm. Have you ever felt like a sailor lost at sea in the middle of a storm, like your life is chaotic and frightening and lonely?… Continue reading

Be Forever Changed

Red and green tree leaves on a sunny day

Knowledge of Christ’s Resurrection can change our perspective and increase our faith. This past year with COVID-19 has brought a tremendous amount of heartache and pain to people all around the world. At a time when deaths are diminished to a number on a webpage, we might find ourselves questioning… Continue reading

Grieve with Faith

Faith can help us find comfort during the hardship and trouble that grief brings to our lives. Grieving is a process that almost most people on this earth will have to work through at some point in their lives. Faith can help in this process. However, being able to have… Continue reading

Don’t Sweat the Details: He Has a Plan

It’s easy to get caught up in the details of the plan of salvation, but don’t let them overshadow the simple and pure truths.   There are so many details about the doctrines and practices of the gospel, and sometimes they lead to more questions than answers. In his conference… Continue reading

Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?

Trials—those seemingly bad things that happen to us—give us opportunities to learn patience, humility, and faith; ultimately, they teach us how to become more like God.   God is all-powerful and all knowing, right? Yes. And God can stop any bad thing from happening, right? Yes. So that means God… Continue reading

Contest Winner: “Be Still, My Soul”

As life’s trials rock us, we can feel peace and love through songs of the heart. I came to know this truth more clearly than ever before as I grieved my mother’s death. The choice to serve a mission can be a hard decision for many young adults. I left… Continue reading

How Death Strengthens My Testimony

Creepy graveyard

With faith in Jesus Christ and in his resurrecting power, we know that death is not the end. I’m familiar with death. My parents were older than many parents when I was born, so my grandparents were older than many of my friends’ grandparents. Now that I am twenty-three, many… Continue reading

Understanding Instead of Fixing: Mourning with Those That Mourn

When others are sad, we want to take their sorrow away. But we need to try to understand their feelings rather than try to fix them.  When other people feel sad, our instincts tell us that we need to somehow make them happy again. Our society views sadness as a disease that… Continue reading

Finding Healing from the Pain of Suicide

Woman staring at the ocean

I learned that being left behind by suicide is difficult and painful—but there is hope. Grief is like the tide: vast, unfathomable, and alternately crashing on the beach or pulling away into the sea. Often without warning, those grieving are fine one moment and broken the next. The morning I… Continue reading

Combating Suicide

Man sitting alone on bench in darkness

The LDS Church has recently launched a new webpage, “Preventing Suicide,” to combat suicide and its traumatic effects.  Suicide is difficult for many of us to talk about—perhaps because we don’t want to be vulnerable, make others uncomfortable, or say the wrong thing to someone who we know is struggling.… Continue reading