When Bad Things Happen

Teddy bear wrapped in bandages

When bad things happen to good people, it’s hard to understand why. Brock thought everything was going great in his life—until a car accident left him physically disabled and no longer financially secure. In the video “Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?” Brock describes how hard he’d worked… Continue reading

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Pink flowers & grass

Life can sometimes seem overwhelming, and often God asks us to do hard things. So what can we do to find peace? As Christ’s mortal ministry was coming to an end, he promised peace to his disciples. But his peace was different than the peace the world could give. He… Continue reading

What’s Wrong with the Friend Zone?

Friends having a picnic

Sometimes as young single adults, we can feel as though we’re not developing important, eternal relationships. However, the friendships we make now might be just as important as the marriages we enter later. “I’m not doing great at finding an eternal companion,” my friend said one morning, “but I’m doing… Continue reading

Blessings Come—Even While We Wait

Alarm clock on pink and mint green background

Patience is a virtue, but we don’t always have to wait for good things to come. Many of God’s blessings are right in front of our faces. Sometimes it’s easy to feel as though God takes too long to answer our prayers or that certain blessings will never come. It’s… Continue reading

A Way to Pray: Learn How to Align Your Will with God’s

Woman praying

Can what you want and what God wants for you become one? While I was serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I found an article called “How to Pray in a Way God Can Answer,” by Celeste Davis, that completely changed my perspective on… Continue reading

Setting Our Watches to God’s Time

Boy in red hat sits in a cart looking bored

If we align our timing with God’s and learn patience, we can find happiness and charity through trials. In the age of smartphones, social media, and Netflix, we’ve been trained to expect results without much effort or wait. We can type a question into our phones, and Google will give… Continue reading

What It Really Means to Choose

Girl standing in front of three doors (blue, white, and red)

If we knew the consequences of our actions, how would our choices change? In the article “Weightier Matters,” Elder Dallin H. Oaks discusses the ability to choose and the argument people use to justify actions that are contrary to God’s commandments: “But I have free agency!” The phrase free agency… Continue reading

4 Life-Changing Lessons about Love

Cherry blossoms in the shape of a heart

It’s easy to get discouraged about our weaknesses and shortcomings. But God doesn’t beat us down; he lovingly invites us to improve. Our weaknesses sometimes seem  insurmountable. But when we learn to discern God’s love for us, we’ll realize that his grace is sufficient to make weak things strong (see… Continue reading

Not Feeling the Spirit? It Might Be for One of These Two Reasons

Man in red sweatshirt walks along a road

What keeps us from always feeling the Spirit? Recently, I was reading emails and letters that I wrote while I was a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I remembered how I felt as I wrote them—and how I felt all the time when I… Continue reading

Suicide Doesn’t Define Eternity

Hand reaching out over ocean

When someone we love takes their own life, how do we respond? I always tried to be sensitive to the complex emotions and pain of people who were affected by suicide, but I never truly felt those emotions myself until recently, when a close friend decided to end his life.… Continue reading