Turning Trials into Opportunities

We cannot learn by study alone. We must also learn through experience and action. Chronic illness. Natural disasters. Premature death. Many trials surface in our lives, often seeming random, with no one to blame for their appearance. It’s easy to ask, “Why? Why do good people suffer such hardships?” In… Continue reading

Instant versus Slow Poison: Rationalizing Entertainment

If a show or movie isn’t “as bad” as another, does that really make it okay to watch? There are a lot of movies and TV shows out there, and the majority of them seem to be straying far from gospel standards. With all of this entertainment surrounding us, it… Continue reading

More Than an Ugly Duckling

If we could see ourselves clearly, we would know that we are worth more than we ever thought possible. Too often we compare our hidden weaknesses to others’ displayed strengths. Our inadequacies glare beneath the spotlight of our own scrutiny, and we start doubting our worth. However, in the talk… Continue reading

Doubting My Doubts

As I struggled to gain a testimony of the gospel, a general conference talk helped me put my doubts into perspective. “I’m just not sure if I believe in the Church anymore,” I said as I kept my eyes fixed on the distant waters of Utah Lake. I saw Niel… Continue reading

Believing in the Power of Belief

My husband doesn’t know the Church is true, and that’s completely fine with me. When I first watched Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s April 2013 general conference talk, “Lord, I Believe,” I loved Elder Holland’s solemn assurance that I didn’t have to know every gospel teaching all at once. I could just believe.… Continue reading

Can I Ever Be Good Enough?

With the commandment “be ye therefore perfect” ringing in our ears, we can still be cheerful and hopeful as we seek for eternal life. With all our weaknesses, how can we know if we are acceptable to God? And with so many commandments to follow, where should we even start?… Continue reading

Who Is My Father?  

 In my struggle to reconcile two conflicting views of God, I learned more about the nature of my Heavenly Father.   For nearly all of my 22 years on earth, I had felt confident in my understanding of God. He was always there when I prayed, I felt his love, and I had seen too… Continue reading

Will Forgiveness Come?

Because we sometimes feel ashamed of the need to repent, we forget that the Savior wants to forgive us. There is a common perception that asking for forgiveness is something to be ashamed of. Repenting of our sins can seem daunting. We imagine ourselves kneeling before the throne of grace,… Continue reading

Chasing Perfection 

One of Satan’s most convincing lies is that we can become perfect on our own. Buying into this lie will trap and overwhelm us, but turning to Christ will make us whole.    Being hardworking and ambitious are common characteristics of disciples of Christ. Unfortunately, in our quest to “be ye therefore… Continue reading