Marriage: How It Can Grow Sweeter with Age

Elder Scott teaches us how we can keep marriage fresh and thriving as the years go on. Many young people are skeptical of marriage after observing too many stuffy marital relationships and heartbreaking divorces among their friends and family members. Elder Richard G. Scott offers a divine, alternative view of… Continue reading

Believing in the Power of Belief

My husband doesn’t know the Church is true, and that’s completely fine with me. When I first watched Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s April 2013 general conference talk, “Lord, I Believe,” I loved Elder Holland’s solemn assurance that I didn’t have to know every gospel teaching all at once. I could just believe.… Continue reading

The Universal Message of Marriage and Family

fathaer holding newborn

Marriage and family are divinely designed, and leaders from several religions are encouraging everyone, regardless of their religion, to develop that vision. In a world that undervalues the sanctity of marriage and family, it can be hard to defend the belief that marriage and family are of God. But the Church… Continue reading

After Your Spouse Uses Pornography


If your spouse struggles with a pornography addiction, are there ways to survive and find hope for the future? What can you do if you discover that your spouse is struggling with pornography? How can you deal with the damaging effects of this realization? The February 2017 Ensign includes the… Continue reading

Not Just a Mom

mother and child nose to nose

Although the world often demeans motherhood, the influence of women in the home is powerful and irreplaceable. It is often difficult for women to know, understand, or feel that they are doing enough. It seems that there is pressure from every direction to be more of something: more beautiful, more… Continue reading

5 Ways to Guard Against Lust

Young couple laughing

Combating lust will help us develop true love and grow closer to the Spirit. Lust isn’t something we generally like to think or talk about. It’s dark and alluring at the same time. However, talking about lust can lead to understanding it, which can lead to a greater ability to… Continue reading

Relationships and Peeling Grapefruit

Grapefruit and pomegranate design

We all have tiffs at some time or another with family, friends, or our significant other. But are all of these issues really significant? Having problems with your boyfriend or girlfriend, fiancé, or spouse? Have you ever openly talked about the differences that might cause rifts in your relationship? Once… Continue reading

The Divine Role of Women in the Church

Women are daughters of God with an integral role in Christ’s restored Church. All people born into this world are children of God and, as such, have great worth. The words “I am a child of God,” found in a beloved Latter-day Saint children’s song, are true for all men,… Continue reading