What Heavenly Mother Teaches Us About the Plan of Salvation

By knowing what church leaders say about Heavenly Mother, we can know our place in the Plan of Salvation. Latter-day Saint Insights has published several articles detailing who Heavenly Mother is, how we venerate her, and how knowing about her can help us. Each article provides keen insights about Heavenly… Continue reading

Your Royal Identity: Becoming Royalty and Superheroes

Every little kid dreams of one day becoming royalty or a superhero. Because of our royal identities as sons and daughters of God, we have the potential to become the royalty and superheroes we dreamed of becoming.  When I was a little girl, I always dreamed of becoming a princess.… Continue reading

The Divine Nature of the Nurturing Man

Tajik boy

We often hear about the divine nature of women as nurturers. Why don’t we always apply this characteristic to men? We are all loved by our Heavenly Father. To him, we have infinite worth and potential, and we are capable of immense acts of service and love. However, as both… Continue reading

Women and Men Building the Kingdom of God—Together

Women and men both have key roles in building the kingdom of God. Equality is a basic doctrine of Christ that is essential to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. God created women and men equally—to live alongside each other and to help each other. All of Heavenly… Continue reading

What Is Your Spiritual Superpower?

Discovering and developing our spiritual gifts, or spiritual superpowers, will help us recognize our heroic identities and purposes. We are all superheroes. How? As Doctrine and Covenants 46:11–12 states, “There are many gifts, and to every man [and woman] is given a gift by the Spirit of God …. that… Continue reading

Children of the Covenant

angel moroni on the top of a temple

When we make and keep sacred covenants, we know who we are and what our purpose is. We’ve been taught that we are sons and daughters of God. But what does that really mean? In the general conference talk “Covenants,” President Russell M. Nelson teaches that “when we realize that we are… Continue reading

More Than an Ugly Duckling

If we could see ourselves clearly, we would know that we are worth more than we ever thought possible. Too often we compare our hidden weaknesses to others’ displayed strengths. Our inadequacies glare beneath the spotlight of our own scrutiny, and we start doubting our worth. However, in the talk… Continue reading

Divinity Is within You

If we could see each person’s divine potential, how would we act? How would we treat others—and ourselves—differently? Sometimes, we feel like terrible people. We think, “Why did I mess that up again?” or “Why couldn’t I do this better?” We become our harshest critics, judging ourselves without realizing how far we’ve… Continue reading

Unplugging: How Literature Brings Us Closer to God

Taking time away from computer, phone, and television screens gives us the stillness we need to find refinement and come to know our Heavenly Parents.  Many missionaries have a hard time giving up Facebook, phones, and computer time for eighteen months to two years. For my friend, the difficult sacrifice was books.… Continue reading

A Woman’s Potential: What God Sees

A woman praying.

As the world’s expectations for women change with the seasons, nothing is as empowering as Heavenly Father’s plan for his daughters. The modern world has opened up exciting opportunities for women. But with these opportunities, we often feel increased pressure. When we want to look beautiful, the world says, “Look perfect.” When we want to… Continue reading