Spreading God’s Love on Valentine’s Day

Hand holding red heart

Valentine’s Day can be a lonely holiday for many of God’s children, but we can help the people in need all around us to feel God’s love on this holiday. When I was young, Valentine’s Day was my favorite holiday. My mom would get up early in the morning to… Continue reading

Witnessing the Power of Community Care

The Lord has blessed us with friends and neighbors to strengthen us when the floods of life—literal or metaphorical—threaten to overwhelm us. I’d never truly understood the destructive power of water until I witnessed it submerge my hometown under seven feet of water. In 2017, Hurricane Harvey overtook many homes… Continue reading

Jesus Christ’s Beloved Enemy

Jesus washing the feet of his disciples

During his Last Supper, Christ washed the feet of Judas Iscariot. By doing so, Christ set the ultimate example of what it means to “love your enemy.”  For over a millennium, the teachings of Jesus Christ have inspired spiritual growth for those who study and accept his words. During his… Continue reading

Service Starts with Self-Love

Girl skipping through a field

When the daily to-dos of life overwhelm us, contributing good to the world can be as simple as practicing self-love. Attend a team meeting, schedule an appointment, complete a ten-page essay, call mom, make dinner, stop by a friend’s movie night, clean the apartment—for many of us, the list of… Continue reading

Finding Strength in Healing

Broken heart hanging on wire

It’s easy to assume that our broken situation is our only situation and that asking for help is a sign of weakness. What if we restructured these assumptions to see asking for help as a source of strength and healing? Seeking help can feel difficult in a world full of… Continue reading

Doers of the Word: Coming to Know God

Coming to know God is an important part of our conversion and path to eternal life, but how can we know someone we haven’t even met? The Bible famously declares that eternal life is knowing God (John 17:3). However, most of us won’t have life-altering experiences like Peter, Mary, Moses,… Continue reading

It Starts with Empathy

A busy intersection with people walking

“You are surrounded by people. You pass them on the street, visit them in their homes, and travel among them. They are all children of God.” (Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service, 2018). In Elder Jorge T. Becerra’s April 2021 general conference talk, “Poor Little Ones,” he shares… Continue reading

The Jury’s Not Out: Avoiding Judgment of Ourselves

The Righteous Judge

Jesus never condemned; we don’t need to condemn ourselves. Have you ever heard someone say, “Well, it’s too late for me, I won’t be saved”? Or even, “I’m already going to hell, so what’s the point of trying?” It feels like people are prone to making judgments of themselves that… Continue reading

The Ubiquity of God’s Grace


Hearing others’ stories of how God’s amazing grace is at work in their lives can help us see that he is also working miracles in our own lives. Too often, perhaps, we think that God’s grace can arrive only after we have somehow earned it. After all—as we read in… Continue reading

Small and Simple Actions

Baseball on the grass

We can strengthen our relationships with God, ourselves, and others through the “small things.” It’s easy to get caught up in big-picture goals and planning for the future, but this thinking can distract us from the moments of daily living that end up amounting to more than we may realize—the… Continue reading