Witnessing the Power of Community Care

The Lord has blessed us with friends and neighbors to strengthen us when the floods of life—literal or metaphorical—threaten to overwhelm us. I’d never truly understood the destructive power of water until I witnessed it submerge my hometown under seven feet of water. In 2017, Hurricane Harvey overtook many homes… Continue reading

We’re Better Together

Group of people making stars with fingers.

Fostering an atmosphere of inclusion and respect will help members of the Church achieve greater unity with one another and with those not of our faith. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a long history of love and service. While its members aren’t perfect, the Church’s doctrinal… Continue reading

Becoming One Through Christ

Silhouette of someone helping pull someone else up

Society and the world often feel fractured in our day, but when we turn to Christ, we can come to truly love our friends and our enemies. While the world has always dealt with conflict, the past several years have been especially tense, with disputes arising over politics, religion, culture,… Continue reading

How to Find Our Swing to Increase Unity

A team of rowers floats on a body of water. Two appear to be reaching for a high five.

If we embrace our differences and seek to understand one another, we will find a rhythm that will propel us forward to perfect unity.  In today’s world, it is hard to know the right way to become more united with those around us. Sister Sharon Eubank also felt this sense… Continue reading

Competition and Contention: Fighting Pride in Our Relationships

Angry woman in front of a poster

 “Pride is ugly. It says, ‘If you succeed, I am a failure.’” —Ezra Taft Benson Today, conflict has become an acceptable aspect of our culture. Society has normalized stereotypes like contentious family dinners and mud-slinging political debates, as if fighting were just a fact of life. But this is not… Continue reading

Ordinary Wonder Women

Wonder women in comic form

Sometimes we feel like we’re the only ones who’ve faced our particular challenges. Luckily, we can look to examples of wise, strong, and courageous women who have overcome enormous challenges themselves. When I was younger, the women in my ward guided, served, and loved me with astounding strength and wisdom.… Continue reading

It Is Well with My Soul: Reclaiming the Sanctity of Sex

In a sex-saturated world, it’s important to remember the true doctrine of human intimacy. There are so many mixed messages and misconceptions about sex—what it is, when it’s okay, and what it should be like. We see sex portrayed in movies, books, and TV shows, and with all these messages… Continue reading

Faith Divided, Love United: Looking within to Bring Your Family Together

Instead of trying to change your family members, try changing yourself. During my junior year of high school, most of my close family members decided they didn’t want to be a part of the Church anymore. When I noticed their feelings changing, it was like a punch in the gut.… Continue reading

Building the Church through Friendship

Strengthening our relationships with others is a big part of living the gospel. The third hour of my Sunday church block generally goes like this: I walk into Relief Society, grab my usual seat next to my roommates, and promptly leave as soon as the meeting ends. In other words,… Continue reading

Condemning Racism, Encouraging Love

In a time of racial division, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints takes a powerful stance against racism and white supremacy. Continue reading