Come, Follow Me: Make Your Life A Parable

Shepherd tending his flock on a misty afternoon

Christ’s parables exemplify everyday people who experience common challenges and changes in their lives. Upon reflection, we may find that our own lives can become a parable. Throughout both the Old and New Testaments, parables illustrate how gospel principles can apply to the lives of ordinary people. For example, the… Continue reading

The Jury’s Not Out: Avoiding Judgment of Ourselves

The Righteous Judge

Jesus never condemned; we don’t need to condemn ourselves. Have you ever heard someone say, “Well, it’s too late for me, I won’t be saved”? Or even, “I’m already going to hell, so what’s the point of trying?” It feels like people are prone to making judgments of themselves that… Continue reading


An Invitation to Come Unto Christ

Jesus said, “Thou art mine” (Isaiah 43:1). Those three words have changed the way I think about myself. I’m sure those words had an impact on the first people who heard them as well—the Israelites. Because of their unrighteous decisions, the scattered Israelites were afflicted, robbed, and trapped by their… Continue reading

Joy in the Cause!

Small Plant Grows

With the challenges facing our world today, young adults may feel hopeless. By focusing on Christ, we can have hope and joy that we’ll want to exclaim to others! Many consider the exclamation point to be an ugly, unprofessional punctuation mark that should be avoided at all costs. But as… Continue reading

A More Perfect Love

Group of smiling people sitting in grass

As we reach out to one another in empathy and love, our diversity can unite us. I love Berlin. Of all the wonderful places in the world, it’s one of my favorites because of its rich human diversity. While living in Berlin, I brushed shoulders with people from all over… Continue reading

Turning Trials into Temples

Silhouette of man sitting on grass field

Revelation can come at any time in our lives—even the hardest times—if we stay close to Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. I was preparing to go on my mission when the COVID-19 pandemic started. My life was turned upside down in a matter of days, and I was miserable… Continue reading

Finding Peace in Imperfection

A harvested field

Why should we even try to be perfect when we have been taught that perfection is out of reach in this life? Many of us find the concept of reaching perfection incredibly confusing. We are told to try to be like Jesus, but we are also told that Jesus was… Continue reading

Healing from Addiction

Hand reaching to the sun through the trees

When pornography addiction makes us feel broken, we can find healing through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. When a plague of fiery serpents befell the ancient Israelites, the Lord gave Moses a solution: make a serpent of brass, fix it to a pole, then invite those who have been bitten… Continue reading

Rain-Filled Boots: What Is the Meaning of Life?

Rainy window

“It was as if the spirit said to me, ‘Did you expect this earthly journey not to have struggles?’” —Richard J. Anderson When my trainer completed her mission and went home, suddenly the fire and drive I had as a new missionary vanished, and I was acutely aware of how… Continue reading

Becoming Ambitious for Christ

Busy street crowded with taxis and people

The world demands that we be ambitious if we want to be successful, but what would happen if we focused our ambitions on Christ? When American academic William S. Clark went to Japan in 1874, he left his students with a rousing speech. The most famous part of that speech… Continue reading