Come, Follow Me: Make Your Life A Parable

Shepherd tending his flock on a misty afternoon

Christ’s parables exemplify everyday people who experience common challenges and changes in their lives. Upon reflection, we may find that our own lives can become a parable. Throughout both the Old and New Testaments, parables illustrate how gospel principles can apply to the lives of ordinary people. For example, the… Continue reading

Following Him at Home

 As we study Come, Follow Me with our families, the influence of the adversary will get weaker as we strengthen our testimonies together. As a part of the new emphasis on a “home-centered Church,” President Russell M. Nelson announced in October 2018 that Sunday services would be shortened by an… Continue reading

Unleashing Our Potential Energy

Just as we all have the potential to make the most of each day, we also have the potential to become true disciples of Jesus Christ. But how do we do this? Have you ever lain on your bed at the end of a long day and realized you didn’t… Continue reading

Do I Know Christ?

With so many materials available to us, it is becoming increasingly easier to learn about Jesus Christ. But are we also getting to know him? With all the resources available to us, it can be easy to let a deluge of information about Jesus Christ wash over us without it… Continue reading

Come Follow Me: More Than Just a Manual

The Church’s new program invites us to become more converted in our love of Christ through teaching gospel truths. Christians everywhere recognize the phrase “Come, follow me” as Christ’s invitation to follow his example. In October 2016, Elder Robert D. Hales taught about this invitation to follow the Savior in his… Continue reading