How to Not Get Divorced

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Survey data from 2,000 married men and women teaches us the secret to creating the relationship we all want. I’m getting married this week to the love of my life. From where I stand, on the cusp of committing my life to him, I’m optimistic that we’ll grow old together,… Continue reading

Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?

Trials—those seemingly bad things that happen to us—give us opportunities to learn patience, humility, and faith; ultimately, they teach us how to become more like God.   God is all-powerful and all knowing, right? Yes. And God can stop any bad thing from happening, right? Yes. So that means God… Continue reading

Marriage: How It Can Grow Sweeter with Age

Elder Scott teaches us how we can keep marriage fresh and thriving as the years go on. Many young people are skeptical of marriage after observing too many stuffy marital relationships and heartbreaking divorces among their friends and family members. Elder Richard G. Scott offers a divine, alternative view of… Continue reading

Moving Forward after Divorce

Divorce wasn’t something I thought I would ever have to deal with, but I knew that everything would be all right if I believed in God and did my best. I hauled myself onto my bed, staring numbly at the new sheets my parents had bought for me. The bright… Continue reading

What Hurts the Most

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Are you sure your partner would be okay with that text you just sent? Today, it is more likely than ever before that infidelity will be based in technology. According to licensed marriage and family therapist Dr. Lori Cluff Schade in her Ensign article “Marriage, Technology, and Emotional Infidelity,” “texting, email, games,… Continue reading