“Jesus Wept”

Person on the end of a pier

Life can be unfair, painful, and uncertain. When we or our loved ones find ourselves in those times of grief or frustration, we can rely on the Savior and his perfect example of empathy. In his BYU devotional, “Hard Sayings and Safe Spaces: Making Room for Struggle as Well as… Continue reading

Finding God in Our Storms

In our storms, God is with us. Though he doesn’t always calm the storm, he can calm us to be able to bear the storm. Have you ever felt like a sailor lost at sea in the middle of a storm, like your life is chaotic and frightening and lonely?… Continue reading

The Healing Power of Grief

In abandoning public expressions of grief, we lose opportunities to heal and grow as a community. I remember the first time I stepped up to a door that had a white slip of paper posted to it. The characters were incomprehensible to me, but my Japanese companion quickly explained that… Continue reading

When Words Fail, Hope Lives

Woman gazing at a sunset on a mountain.

I always thought my mom would be at my wedding and my college graduation, that she would be at the hospital when I had my first child. How could my life continue without her in it? Since my mom passed away just over two years ago, I have attempted many… Continue reading

When Acquainted with Grief

woman sitting at a window

Welcoming grief as a natural expression of love helps us understand the Savior as we search for peace and healing. “I never cried for her once this week until the funeral” was what I wrote in my journal after my grandmother died. My emotional indifference was an accomplishment for me.… Continue reading

How Jacob 5 Helped Me Cope with Sickness and Grief

Trees in field

Jacob 5 isn’t just a story about some olive trees and a few blue-collar workers; it’s a testament that Christ loves each one of us and that he, the Lord of all, rejoices and weeps with us through our mortal experience. In October 2018, I was diagnosed with a lifelong… Continue reading

Embracing Our Forever Trials

Sun shining through a hole in a dried leaf.

There are some trials that you just can’t shake—no matter how much you’ve healed, they’ll be with you for the rest of your life. And that’s okay. One day you wake up and your whole life is different. Maybe you’ve lost a loved one. Maybe you’ve suffered from an accident,… Continue reading

Grieve with Faith

Faith can help us find comfort during the hardship and trouble that grief brings to our lives. Grieving is a process that almost most people on this earth will have to work through at some point in their lives. Faith can help in this process. However, being able to have… Continue reading

Moving Forward after Divorce

Divorce wasn’t something I thought I would ever have to deal with, but I knew that everything would be all right if I believed in God and did my best. I hauled myself onto my bed, staring numbly at the new sheets my parents had bought for me. The bright… Continue reading

Contest Winner: “Be Still, My Soul”

As life’s trials rock us, we can feel peace and love through songs of the heart. I came to know this truth more clearly than ever before as I grieved my mother’s death. The choice to serve a mission can be a hard decision for many young adults. I left… Continue reading