Finding Joy: Roses, Forget-Me-Nots, and Golden Tickets

If we focus on the little forget-me-nots that surround us in life, we can find joy in our current circumstances. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught an important principle about perspective in his talk “Forget Me Not” by recounting the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Willy Wonka, a famous… Continue reading

Never Forget These Five Things

The five petals of the forget-me-not flower symbolize five things to remember that will help us find joy as we live the gospel and face the trials of life and the challenges that come. Instead of getting caught up in life’s challenges, we can choose to find joy in them… Continue reading

Living Happy, Living Now

Woman with blue shirt flapping in the wind

I was working toward worthy goals. But a gentle reminder of the blessings that I currently had showed me that I didn’t have to wait for joy. I needed to finish two papers, study for a math test, call some of the girls in my Young Women class, and figure… Continue reading