Education: More Than Preparation for Motherhood

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As women in the Church, we often hear that an education will prepare us for motherhood. But perhaps the Lord wants us to prepare for that and more. Many women in the Church have contemplated this question: “If I want to be a stay-at-home mom, why should I gain an… Continue reading

Education: A Sacred Endeavor

Friends Throwing Graduation Caps

Education is considered a modern commodity, but how often do we consider its role in reaching our divine potential? Life is full of learning opportunities. But the knowledge gained from formal education is unique in that it refines not only the mind, but the whole person. This transformative knowledge should… Continue reading

Facing the Future in Uncertain Times

Small plant coming up through rocks

When we face uncertain times, we can combine the Savior’s grace with hard work to propel ourselves forward toward a better future. The COVID-19 outbreak has made 2020 a tough economic year. No one has it easy. My roommate just finished his master’s degree in statistics. He had a full-time… Continue reading

The Lord Needs Self-Reliant Women

Let us do all we can to invest in our potential—earthly and divine—so we may be ready for all God has in store for us. Undoubtedly, God has commanded us to educate ourselves. Obtaining education from good sources, including but not limited to a traditional college education, allows us to… Continue reading

Does Heavenly Father Care About Your Education?

Person with backpack and books

We know we can pray for help in gaining spiritual knowledge, but is it wrong to pray for help in gaining academic knowledge? Continue reading

Hypothesis: Faith and Science are Symbiotic

Science and faith are not only symbiotic, but inseparable. Religion and science fuel people to seek truth; truth can be found in religion and science. Both can work together to promote faith and truth. Award-winning chemist Henry Eyring once said, “Some have asked me ‘Is there any conflict between science… Continue reading

How to Use Technology for Lifelong Learning

Using some key organizational skills, anyone can successfully manage both the spiritual and the temporal parts of life. Technology is a major part of our day-to-day lives. We use it in numberless ways: to plan, to learn, to research, and to develop ourselves. Many church leaders have spoken about using… Continue reading

Education: Is It Worth It?

Education is more than just learning facts. It is learning a new way to live by increasing our understanding and enabling the powers of heaven to act in our lives. Have you ever wondered if going to college is worth the money, the time, and the effort? According to Forbes,… Continue reading

At a Crossroads: Learning by Study and by Faith

When two of my greatest dreams seemed to be at odds, the Holy Ghost taught me they could complement each other beautifully—but only if I remembered to put God first. As I walked home in the rain, I found myself dreaming about gathering around a mahogany table stacked with books… Continue reading

Satan’s Ad Campaign: Are You Buying into It?

When we recognize Satan’s false advertising, we can avoid miserable consequences and instead receive God’s blessings. Satan is trying to attract followers—and he knows that eternal misery isn’t a tempting pitch. In the talk “When Evil Appears Good and Good Appears Evil,” Elder Quentin L. Cook invites us to imagine… Continue reading