Education: More Than Preparation for Motherhood

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As women in the Church, we often hear that an education will prepare us for motherhood. But perhaps the Lord wants us to prepare for that and more. Many women in the Church have contemplated this question: “If I want to be a stay-at-home mom, why should I gain an… Continue reading

Career or Motherhood: You Can Do Both

Woman being embraced by her children while sitting in front of her laptop.

Women frequently think they have to choose either a career or motherhood, but they can enjoy both with support from those around them. The world often insists that women need to raise their children from home, but the world also claims that women fall short of their full potential if… Continue reading

Motherhood: More than Maternity

A mother laughs and plays with her children, who are sitting in a hammock.

In God’s eyes, “mother” is the title of any woman who nurtures the coming generations.  From a legal perspective, being a mother is defined by biology or adoption. When Mother’s Day comes around, it can seem like a dismissal of women who do not fill that role. In The Church… Continue reading

The Good You Accomplished Today

Although some days you look at your to-do list and feel frustrated that you didn’t get as much done as you had hoped, take heart that you made more difference than you realized. The Mormon Message “You Never Know” is a good reminder that the most important things you do… Continue reading

Three Lessons to Learn from Infertility

Why do some couples struggle with infertility? Here’s what I’ve learned. One of the first commandments that God gave to Adam and Eve was to “multiply and replenish the earth” (Moses 2:28). Having a family is a central teaching of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—but what about… Continue reading

Abortion: Clarity from a Prophet

Quiet the voices of the world and refocus on the sanctity of life by remembering President Russell M. Nelson’s counsel. Today, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are truly peculiar in the eyes of the world. The commandments of God differ from many popular opinions, and… Continue reading

A Woman’s Place: What Does Gender Equality Really Mean?

silhouette of woman at sunset

Where is a woman’s place? What is gender equality? See what millennials, scholars, and prophets are saying. For some, gender equality means that men and women are equal only if they do exactly the same things in the workplace and at home. However, many recent studies show a wave of traditionalism sweeping over the… Continue reading

Not Just a Mom

mother and child nose to nose

Although the world often demeans motherhood, the influence of women in the home is powerful and irreplaceable. It is often difficult for women to know, understand, or feel that they are doing enough. It seems that there is pressure from every direction to be more of something: more beautiful, more… Continue reading

Understanding Instead of Fixing: Mourning with Those That Mourn

When others are sad, we want to take their sorrow away. But we need to try to understand their feelings rather than try to fix them.  When other people feel sad, our instincts tell us that we need to somehow make them happy again. Our society views sadness as a disease that… Continue reading

Diary of a Soon-to-Be Mother

pregnant woman with hand on stomach

With two more semesters to go before my college graduation, my husband and I discovered that I was pregnant. How could I do what the Lord wanted while fulfilling my own goals? As a young woman, I always had a fear that I wouldn’t get married or have a family. But… Continue reading