Divinely Connected Families in a Socially Distanced World

Happy family laying in the grass posing for a family picture

The social distancing brought on by COVID-19 has made many of us feel lonely and isolated. But God’s plan—focused on families—is designed so that we don’t ever have to be alone. I remember the day that COVID-19 started affecting my life. I was sitting on my couch, and my husband… Continue reading

4 Lessons for the Year 2040

How can decisions from today affect you in the year 2040? Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles offers four lessons to learn today that will help you make better decisions in the future. How often do you consider the future in your everyday decisions? The… Continue reading

Finding the Right Bowl of Porridge: 10 Things to Consider before Marriage

Deciding whom to marry is one of the most important choices you’ll ever make. Considering these 10 traits and habits can help you make the right decision. When Goldilocks broke into the house of the three bears, she tried each bowl of porridge until she found one that was “just… Continue reading

Feminism and the Church: Unraveling Misconceptions

Are the principles of feminism and the doctrines of the Church incongruous, or are they in harmony? The answer isn’t as simple as you might think. Feminism—a word charged with a plethora of connotations, both good and bad. We hear about feminists in the news and feminist political agendas and feminist… Continue reading

It Is Well with My Soul: Reclaiming the Sanctity of Sex

In a sex-saturated world, it’s important to remember the true doctrine of human intimacy. There are so many mixed messages and misconceptions about sex—what it is, when it’s okay, and what it should be like. We see sex portrayed in movies, books, and TV shows, and with all these messages… Continue reading

Does the Church Tear Families Apart?

With the Church’s emphasis on eternal families, how do we reconcile the fact that some people are forced to choose between church participation and their parents, siblings, or spouse? It’s an uncomfortable truth: sometimes it seems like our faith can drive a wedge between us and the people we care… Continue reading

Diary of a Soon-to-Be Mother

pregnant woman with hand on stomach

With two more semesters to go before my college graduation, my husband and I discovered that I was pregnant. How could I do what the Lord wanted while fulfilling my own goals? As a young woman, I always had a fear that I wouldn’t get married or have a family. But… Continue reading

Finding Joy in the Process

Fact: life can be tough. However, as we look toward Christ, we can find the joy we need to endure even the most difficult trials. We never think that we will be the ones who will have to suffer through a particular challenge or trial—until it is staring us in… Continue reading