Even Our Sins

Sunburst through a cloudy sky

The gifts of Christ’s Atonement extend to cover all of life’s sorrows. It’s easy to talk about the ways that Christ’s Atonement can help us through trials beyond our control. After all, at some point everyone will face challenges that they didn’t ask for. But sometimes, the source of our… Continue reading

Family History: How Do We Even Start?

Young adult woman holding temple cards

We know we need to do family history, but the mere thought can be overwhelming. What should we do? Why should we care about people who exist as little more than names on a piece of paper? Recently, President Russell M. Nelson has emphasized the importance of gathering Israel and… Continue reading

Is He Really My Savior?

Time lapse photography of person standing near train

I’ve grown up believing that Christ is my Redeemer, but sometimes it’s hard to believe that he can actually save me. In psychology, a flashbulb memory refers to a vivid memory of a past moment, usually a shocking or emotionally charged event. I have a flashbulb memory from when I… Continue reading

The Jury’s Not Out: Avoiding Judgment of Ourselves

The Righteous Judge

Jesus never condemned; we don’t need to condemn ourselves. Have you ever heard someone say, “Well, it’s too late for me, I won’t be saved”? Or even, “I’m already going to hell, so what’s the point of trying?” It feels like people are prone to making judgments of themselves that… Continue reading

The Ubiquity of God’s Grace


Hearing others’ stories of how God’s amazing grace is at work in their lives can help us see that he is also working miracles in our own lives. Too often, perhaps, we think that God’s grace can arrive only after we have somehow earned it. After all—as we read in… Continue reading

Joy in the Cause!

Small Plant Grows

With the challenges facing our world today, young adults may feel hopeless. By focusing on Christ, we can have hope and joy that we’ll want to exclaim to others! Many consider the exclamation point to be an ugly, unprofessional punctuation mark that should be avoided at all costs. But as… Continue reading

Stuck in Place

Blue door

It’s easy to feel like you’ve tried and can’t change, but no one is ever beyond the help of Christ’s Atonement. This life is about improving, and while we all have a long list of Christlike attributes we’re working on, sometimes it can feel as if our efforts are wasted.… Continue reading

Turning Trials into Temples

Silhouette of man sitting on grass field

Revelation can come at any time in our lives—even the hardest times—if we stay close to Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. I was preparing to go on my mission when the COVID-19 pandemic started. My life was turned upside down in a matter of days, and I was miserable… Continue reading

Finding Peace in Imperfection

A harvested field

Why should we even try to be perfect when we have been taught that perfection is out of reach in this life? Many of us find the concept of reaching perfection incredibly confusing. We are told to try to be like Jesus, but we are also told that Jesus was… Continue reading

They Have Done What They Could

The Widow's Mite

Christ instructs us to be “perfect,” but when we study his words and actions, it’s clear that he looks at our effort more than our outcomes. The modern world preaches that outcomes are the key indicators for success. What counts is whether or not we hit a metric, achieve a… Continue reading