How to Avoid the Rut of Spiritual Apathy

Green mountains

Remembering God’s love will strengthen your spiritual resilience and protect you from the trap of spiritual apathy. I peered out through the dense fog at the Ribeira da Torre Valley of Santa Antão, Cape Verde. As the clouds parted and sunlight illuminated the view, my jaw dropped. Enormous mountains covered… Continue reading

Inspiring Others With Your Identity

The backs of four women hugging

Having a unique identity can seem important, but what’s more important is loving those who choose different paths than we do. We live in a world with ever-increasing controversial opinions and views. Each of us may want a strong sense of individual identity, including our political perspectives, social outlooks, and… Continue reading

Divine Daughters of Heavenly Parents

Women sitting while talking.

As women, it can be easy to forget our purpose and place in God’s eyes, but the foundational truths in the Young Women Theme can remind us that we are divine daughters of our Heavenly Mother and Father.   When I was a teenager, I participated in the Young Women program.… Continue reading

How to Become like the Savior While Still Being Yourself

Boxes of fruit in a market

Becoming perfected in Christ (see Moroni 10:32) is a celebration of individuality, not conformity. When reading “Come unto Christ, and be perfected in him” (Moroni 10:32), I sometimes wonder, “As I become more like the Savior, will I become less like myself?”  Julie Crockett answers this question in her BYU… Continue reading

Choosing to Trust God Unconditionally

Ocean waves and a zipline over a beach.

When we learn to trust God completely, we can move forward with faith, knowing that he will support and guide us through life’s most challenging moments.  The higher I climbed, the more I questioned my sanity. It was the end of summer break, and I had decided to go zip-lining… Continue reading

And Yet, Hope Persists

Small yellow flowers in a pile of rocks.

The world sometimes feels so dark and full of despair. And yet, even in darkness, hope persists. Lately, I have found myself feeling anxious and depressed when I read the news. It seems like every day there is some new tragedy happening somewhere in the world. With hard things all… Continue reading

Testimony: Our Divine Motivation

Hands clasped on a wall

Testimonies can be far more than checkboxes on a developmental to-do list. We can experience promised blessings and enact meaningful changes in ourselves when we are motivated by our testimonies. “Get a testimony” is only one of many tasks on our spiritual to-do lists, but it is arguably the most… Continue reading

Choosing to Identify as a Child of God

Jesus walking with a child in a forest.

When we identify first and foremost as children of God, we are able to see ourselves as God does—individuals with eternal divine worth. When I was five years old, I believed with the utmost confidence—as only a child can—that I was Heavenly Father’s favorite child. As I grew older, however,… Continue reading

Your Spiritual Superpower

Little boy in superhero mask and cape.

The greatest superpower of all—God’s power in our lives—comes from keeping our covenants and receiving the power to change. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? It might be a hard choice! But there is a superpower you already have. In her address “The Power to Change,”… Continue reading

The Secret Behind Cultivating Inclusivity at Church: Charity

A colorful picture frame with the words “You Belong.” The frame is surrounded by big green leaves.

Charity is cultivating inclusivity at church—it’s recognizing the signs of exclusion and learning to be inclusive toward excluded members. Moving to a new location usually means moving to a new ward. For shy people like me, the thought of starting over fills us with dread. Will I make friends? Will… Continue reading