Remembering Elder L. Tom Perry: Share the Gospel and Tell It Like It Is

Two women sitting on steps talking

Hesitant to share your beliefs? Elder Perry emphasizes that “in speaking about the Church, we do not try to make it sound better than it is.” Members of the Church often aren’t aware that there is “a wide difference––a gulf of understanding” between the perception of the Church from the… Continue reading

Education for Women Takes a Variety of Forms

two girls at graduation in green gowns

What kinds of educational experiences will prepare young-adult women for any future? For women, making decisions about studying at a university, aiming for a career, and raising a family can be tough. While each person’s circumstances are different, all women can benefit from gaining an education to prepare for the… Continue reading

How Are Mormons “Saved”?

Many other Christian denominations talk about being saved. Do Mormons believe in being saved? What is the Mormon definition of “saved”? Some Mormons may be confused when friends ask them, “Have you been saved?” We are Christians. We believe in a Savior. But what does it mean to be saved? Jesus… Continue reading

Four Steps to Following Christ

Christ is our perfect example, but sometimes it’s hard to know how to follow him. Here are four steps that will help us follow in his footsteps. Christ is the only perfect person who ever lived, and in order to return to our Heavenly Father, we must try to become… Continue reading

Joseph Smith: Just Another Treasure Seeker?

landscape with river

Why would Joseph Smith have hunted for Spanish treasure? What did he find as a result? Have you ever found yourself prompted to do something that you normally wouldn’t do? Perhaps you’ve accepted a job that takes you out of your comfort zone. Or maybe you’ve felt like you should… Continue reading

The Enemy of Your Soul

man staring out the window

The natural man is an enemy to God, but society would tell us otherwise. Only through Jesus Christ can we control the part of ourselves that separates us from God. Society teaches us to indulge and enjoy, to live out the mantra “YOLO” (you only live once). We are encouraged… Continue reading

Prisoner of War Finds Hope in the Gospel

barn through a fence

During the turmoil of World War II, prisoner Hermann Mössner found strength through the scriptures and church meetings. When German soldier Hermann Mössner was captured as a prisoner of war in World War II, he did not let the chaos of war bring him down. An article titled “Out of… Continue reading

What’s So Great about Prayer?

family praying in a circle

How do we pray? What should we do if we feel distanced from God when we pray? Elder Richard G. Scott instructs us on how to access the power of the divine gift of prayer. As Mormons, we have different kinds of divine communication. Some, such as sacrament prayers, use… Continue reading

Keep Following God’s Will: Don’t Give Up on What You Feel Is Right

Sometimes we don’t understand the spiritual promptings we receive. But Joseph Smith’s example shows us that as we trust and follow those promptings, we can know for certain that we are doing God’s will. We all have desires, many of them righteous ones. You may want to serve a mission… Continue reading

Did Joseph Smith Write about Your Ancestors?

Joseph Smith Papers

Are your ancestors mentioned in the pages of Church history during Joseph Smith’s day? Find out through a quick and easy—and free—search. One day, after venturing onto the Joseph Smith Papers website, I discovered the search engine designed specifically for finding individuals’ names in the site’s collection of documents. The… Continue reading