Claiming Priesthood Blessings: A Single Mother’s Experience

Her husband was dead. She was alone with her children crossing the plains. But Mary Fielding Smith quieted her fears. She protected and empowered her family by relying on the power of the priesthood. Mary Fielding Smith (1801–52), best known as the wife of Hyrum Smith and mother of Joseph… Continue reading

Eliza R. Snow: A Childless Mother in Zion

eliza R. Snow

Though Eliza Roxcy Snow never bore children, she sacrificed her time, risked her health, and used her extensive education and remarkable poetry to bless the lives of the Latter-day Saints. Called “Zion’s Poetess” during her lifetime, Eliza R. Snow (1804–87) penned poems, organized three different organizations, and taught the Saints… Continue reading

Life’s Two Companions—A Spouse and the Holy Ghost

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God’s plan for each of us includes two companions to help us become divine. Learn how our spouse and the Holy Ghost can help us reach this exalted goal. Heavenly Father’s individual plan for us involves more than just returning home to him. Brother Larry M. Gibson, former first counselor… Continue reading

Finding and Giving Love

couple on bench

The scriptures tell us to love others as we love ourselves. Elder Holland helps us understand what that really means. In a Brigham Young University devotional address in 2000, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland discussed ways we can find and give true love. Elder Holland emphasizes that true love is divine… Continue reading

Do You Find Yourself Doubting Answers to Your Prayers?

Many of us struggle with doubt and fear after receiving personal revelation. Elder Holland suggests three ways to stay confident after God has revealed his will to us. Have you ever faced doubts after receiving an answer to a prayer? Elder Jeffrey R. Holland addressed these doubts at a BYU… Continue reading

Visitors Welcome: Mormon Sunday Service 101

What do Mormons do at church? Latter-day Saint sacrament meetings allow visitors to worship in powerful yet comfortable ways. Most Latter-day Saint meetinghouses have a sign in front engraved with the words “visitors welcome.” But visiting somewhere new can be awkward, especially when it comes to religion. has published… Continue reading

Why Does God Talk to Us?

girl on phone

Elder Oaks explains that whether it’s to comfort, uplift, restrain, or inform, God communicates with his children through revelation. You’ve decided to take a job offer, but before your first day you suddenly feel terrible about your decision. Why do you feel this way? God might not text or call… Continue reading

Forgotten Symbols in the Parable of the Good Samaritan

Symbols that Christ incorporated into his parable of the good Samaritan have been lost over time. Learn how this parable can teach us about the plan of salvation. Jesus Christ taught with parables to convey deeper meanings to his followers. John W. Welch, a professor of law at Brigham Young… Continue reading

Learning from an Outside View of Mormonism

Three women laughing on a park bench

A university professor tells what helps non-LDS students of Mormonism to gain a more accurate and nuanced understanding of the faith. When Dr. Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp teaches her Mormon studies class at the University of North Carolina, she uses the study of Mormonism as a model that can be applied… Continue reading

Environmental Stewardship

blue skies on blue water

As children of God, we have a divine calling to care for the earth, use its resources wisely, and preserve it for future generations. The budding of a flower, the pounding of a waterfall, the shining of the stars—each scene and element contributes to the masterpiece of the earth. God… Continue reading