Not My Feet Only: Accepting the Lord’s Service

Two hands cup water as it pours in

When we struggle to accept the Lord’s help, let us follow the example of Peter at the Last Supper when Christ washes Peter’s feet. My parents were recently called to serve as a mission president couple in California. While they’ve been preparing for their mission, I’ve thought a lot about… Continue reading

Overwhelmed by Church Expectations

The story of the rich young ruler can help us understand that Church standards are not requirements from the Church, but rather encouragement from the Lord. In young adulthood, many of us struggle to hold on to our faith. There are many things that people question when their faith falters,… Continue reading

Which Cross is Mine and How Do I Bear It?

“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.” —Matthew 16:25  Jesus Christ had a heavy cross to bear. His divine mission on earth was to provide eternal salvation for the souls of all mankind. In Matthew 16,… Continue reading

Choosing Progress over Perfection

Man sitting in a cave

In a world focused on achievement and perfection, let’s remove unrealistic expectations by celebrating our progress. In his talk “Be Ye Therefore Perfect—Eventually,” Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles emphasizes the importance of not beating ourselves up when we seem to keep falling short. He… Continue reading

The Second Miracle: Made Confident through Christ

Jesus hugging the man who was born blind

There’s no shame in simply starting with what you know. If you just continue moving forward, Christ will help you build your confidence. When we doubt, we may think that we lack faith; however, we do not need to be ashamed of our doubt. The story in John 9 about… Continue reading

Finding Spiritual Treasures: Accessing Priesthood Power as a Woman

President Russel M. Nelson speaks of “spiritual treasures” available in the temple. But what are they and how can we draw on them? As women in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we may find it hard to understand our role in priesthood organizations and callings. President Russell… Continue reading

Following Him at Home

 As we study Come, Follow Me with our families, the influence of the adversary will get weaker as we strengthen our testimonies together. As a part of the new emphasis on a “home-centered Church,” President Russell M. Nelson announced in October 2018 that Sunday services would be shortened by an… Continue reading

Going the Extra Mile to Minister

When we go the extra mile to minister, the Lord blesses us with the ability to serve others and live a full life. If you’re like me, the new ministering program announced last year has held more confusion than revelation. With such an open-ended directive to serve each other, this… Continue reading

Empowering Our Children

How can we protect and empower the children in our lives? Marissa Widdison turns to examples from the Savior’s life for answers. Each day, children are bombarded with new dangers, and as adults it can be hard to know what we can do to help the future generations stay on… Continue reading

The Book of Mormon: Corrective Lenses of the Soul

Glasses on a book

Through reading the Book of Mormon, our spiritual field of vision can be widened and strengthened. In the talk “The Eyes of the Blind Shall See,” Elder Lynn G. Robbins identifies six ways in which having two eyes is better than one and how these benefits are metaphors for having… Continue reading