Judging to Save, Not Destroy

As future leaders of the rising generation, we must learn how to judge in Christ’s way, which is “merciful, loving, and redemptive, not condemning.” When speaking to young adults, President Russell M. Nelson has said, “you are the future leaders of the Lord’s Church!” It is thus our sacred opportunity to… Continue reading

The Pearl of Great Price…and Mummies?

With the publication of the Joseph Smith Papers, we can better understand the history of the Book of Abraham and thereby gain greater faith in it. The Pearl of Great Price is perhaps the least-mentioned book in the Latter-day Saint canon. We know that some parts of the book are… Continue reading

Finding Your Miracles

We read about many miracles in the scriptures, but do miracles still happen today? In the New Testament we read about the miracles Jesus performed when he healed multitudes of the sick and the maimed. You may also have heard a few modern stories of people whose bodies have healed… Continue reading

Are You There, God?

Sometimes when it seems like God is silent, we need only to be patient, and we will see his hand in our lives. “Are you there, God? It’s me, Mackenzie.” “Heavenly Father, are you really there? And are you hearing and answering my prayers?” I know I’m not the only… Continue reading

What Is Your Spiritual Superpower?

Discovering and developing our spiritual gifts, or spiritual superpowers, will help us recognize our heroic identities and purposes. We are all superheroes. How? As Doctrine and Covenants 46:11–12 states, “There are many gifts, and to every man [and woman] is given a gift by the Spirit of God …. that… Continue reading

Building a Sure Testimony: Three Lessons We Can Learn from Peter

From Peter’s example, we can learn how to strengthen our testimonies of the Savior. Peter is an apostle we hear a lot about— he walked on water with Jesus Christ, cut off a Roman soldier’s ear, and became the lead Apostle after Christ’s death. He is a great example of… Continue reading

An Antidote for Pride

We all know pride is a problem, but how do we avoid it? President Eyring has a suggestion. Moroni warned that our dispensation would struggle with pride: “Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. . . . I know that ye do… Continue reading

I Don’t Wanna Grow Up

The Peter Pan mentality might not be a bad one. In fact, having the believing heart of a child can increase our spiritual growth. January 14, 2002 “Tonight I had a verry bad dream and I started to cry then I said a paryr and then I stoped crying.” February… Continue reading

Choose to Believe: Faith Is a Choice, Not a Happenstance

We often think of a testimony as a burning flame we have to feel in our hearts. In reality, the base of our testimony is simply choosing to believe.  Faith is frequently described as a feeling that suddenly overcomes someone after a spiritual experience. While spiritual experiences can greatly strengthen… Continue reading

In My Afflictions: Missionary Trainer for Two

After spending weeks as a missionary punching bag, I stopped fighting and got down on my knees to call for backup. I bit back my words as the three of us walked to our apartment. The tension between us was palpable and strangled any patience I still maintained. I was… Continue reading