Creating Faithful Families in a Fear-Filled World

The sky and light visible through tree branches.

The world seems to be spiraling ever downward, but we can have faith that the Lord understands our circumstances and that our families will be protected from the evil around us. Have you ever wondered how your personal family situation fits into God’s plan? It might sometimes feel like Church… Continue reading

How to Focus on What’s Important

We are constantly surrounded by distractions. When we take time to think about our goals, the Lord will guide us in achieving all he has planned for us. Today, distractions are everywhere. Social media, streaming platforms, and time-wasting games surround us, demanding our attention. To complicate matters, not all distractions… Continue reading

We Do Not Walk Alone

Woman walking alone in nature

When it feels like we are left alone to face our trials, we can be assured that the Savior will always walk with us. I switched my college major four times because I didn’t feel a passion for anything. Each time I switched majors, I felt that I was getting… Continue reading

It’s Time to Let Go of Your Past

Silhouette of tree against sunset

If we don’t let go of the past, we run the risk of committing the greater sin of focusing on the past  instead of enjoying the present. Do you know what it’s like to have your past mistakes loop through your head repeatedly? I do. After you’ve done all you… Continue reading

Moments of Awe, Moments of Faith

Sunlight shining through the clouds with a silhouette of a tree.

When God’s light feels dim, he asks us to have faith by remembering moments of past light. In a moment of enlightening awe, I saw God’s plan for me in clear focus. I stood up after receiving a priesthood blessing and knew that Heavenly Father was guiding me through the… Continue reading

Keepers of the Lower Lights

Lighthouse and sunset

Through our daily actions and words, we can be a light that guides people to Christ. While most people know that lighthouses direct ships safely into harbors, many people may not realize that other lights are still necessary to help ships reach the shore. If ships simply steer in the… Continue reading

A Gospel of Questions

Woman in Yellow Long Sleeve Shirt Lying on her back on a Couch reading

We should always be willing to ask questions in this life, and being mindful about the questions we ask will help us progress. When was the last time you asked an earnest question? Not a rhetorical or half-hearted question, but a question to which you truly wish you had an… Continue reading

Sexual Wholeness

people holding hands in the shape of a heart

Understanding the meaningfulness of sexual intimacy can help us acknowledge the role of sexuality in our lives and be okay with being single. It can be hard as young single adults to understand the sexual feelings we experience and to exercise patience as we look forward to expressing those feelings… Continue reading

Failure—It’s All Part of the Plan

A woman writing on a chalkboard.

When failure becomes motivation, we can learn and grow from any outcome. While pursuing his undergraduate degree at BYU, Matthew O. Richardson failed a chemistry test.  He hurried out of the classroom after stuffing the test with the red “76” scrawled at the top into his backpack. In disbelief, he… Continue reading

Life and Improv: Building On Uncertainty

3 Silhouetted performers

By saying “yes, and…” to life’s uncertainties, we can be more prepared to creatively take the next step with Christ’s help. As a college student approaching graduation, I am asked about my postgraduation plans almost every day. I don’t always know how to answer—the next chapter of my life is… Continue reading