Satan’s Ad Campaign: Are You Buying into It?

When we recognize Satan’s false advertising, we can avoid miserable consequences and instead receive God’s blessings. Satan is trying to attract followers—and he knows that eternal misery isn’t a tempting pitch. In the talk “When Evil Appears Good and Good Appears Evil,” Elder Quentin L. Cook invites us to imagine… Continue reading

Faith Divided, Love United: Looking within to Bring Your Family Together

Instead of trying to change your family members, try changing yourself. During my junior year of high school, most of my close family members decided they didn’t want to be a part of the Church anymore. When I noticed their feelings changing, it was like a punch in the gut.… Continue reading

Why Marriage: A Focus on Family

With such pressure to get married, it’s easy to forget why we focus on marriage in the first place. “Why aren’t you married?” “Have you found a husband yet?” Ever since I became an adult, questions like these seem to keep springing up around me. And it has become a… Continue reading

The Leopard’s Lie: Do People Really Change?

Even with our knowledge of the plan of salvation, it can be difficult to see others as God sees them—especially when they seem unwilling or unable to progress toward achieving their divine potential. Is permanent improvement possible? Clinton Duffy, an American prison warden known for successfully rehabilitating prisoners, certainly thought… Continue reading

The Parable: Simply Complex

woman looking through binoculars

While parables can simplify confusing doctrine, the parables themselves have complex layers that require the reader’s full attention in order to grasp the full doctrine. Jesus’s parables are practically magic; through them, we can see ourselves in almost every character, apply them to current situations, and understand complex doctrine. The Savior’s parables are an almost… Continue reading

He Will Give You Rest: Recovering from Abuse

person walks and looks into distance.

Jesus Christ eases the burdens and pains of abuse. You can find hope and healing as you recover. My journey to recovery after suffering abuse in my early twenties has been one of the most difficult experiences of my life. Even when I removed myself from the abusive situation, I… Continue reading

There Is Always an Olive Branch

Maybe the path to peace entails not only forgiveness but understanding. With billions of people in the world, it may seem impossible to understand and love everyone. Sister Kathleen H. Hughes discusses this difficulty—and how to overcome it—in her 2005 general conference address, “That We May All Sit Down in… Continue reading

Mormons and Muhammad

religious text

When studying Islam in a world religions class, I couldn’t deny the gospel light I found in Muhammad’s teachings—but how was I to reconcile the truth in Islam with my own faith? Continue reading