Ways to Prevent a Casual Testimony

Helping to build a home

With the difficulties of COVID-19, it’s important to find ways to keep your testimony strong. Let’s look at some ways to strengthen it! Many people in the world were hit hard by the effects of COVID-19, both physically and spiritually. With social distancing and other restrictions, temples have been closed… Continue reading

Work for Peace; Triumph through Trust

As we build bridges of trust, we direct our thinking toward the importance of peace, the central feature of what disciples may hope to achieve.  Discipleship grows when we place peace at the center of our decisions. As we work for peace, the key to triumph is trust. We can come… Continue reading

How to Prioritize and Accomplish What Matters Most

With our long to-do lists, it can seem like there’s never enough time. But if we refocus our priorities, we’ll accomplish what’s most important. More often than not, your to-do list is far longer than time permits. By the end of the day, it seems there are more things on… Continue reading

Check Your Sources

Good sources of truth will guide you safely through this life to the next. Truth has become a slippery thing these days, hard to define and identify, especially since everyone seems to have their own version of it. In such confusing times, how can we discover what the truth really… Continue reading

Illuminate Your Faith through Spiritual Reflection

person reading book photo

When we feel distant from God, spiritually defining memories can brighten the road before us and reassure us of God’s love. Do you remember the last time you felt the Spirit? In his talk “Spiritually Defining Memories” from the April 2020 general conference, Elder Neil L. Andersen teaches, “From time… Continue reading

Our Guiding Mistakes

Uneven rocky stairs leading up the side of a mountain.

Because of the Savior, we have infinite opportunities to learn from our mistakes. We all make mistakes. But this fact is not a mistake in the plan of salvation for humankind. In his talk “Until Seventy Times Seven,” Elder Lynn G. Robbins explains that “repentance isn’t [God’s] backup plan in… Continue reading

Strengthening Our Foundation in Christ

A lighthouse on the edge of a rocky shore.

As times become more tumultuous, strengthening our personal foundation of faith in Christ is more important than ever. Sometimes we may feel that we are walking on unstable ground—literally and figuratively. As our world and our lives are thrown upside down by a pandemic, unemployment, natural disasters, and other personal… Continue reading

Competition and Contention: Fighting Pride in Our Relationships

Angry woman in front of a poster

 “Pride is ugly. It says, ‘If you succeed, I am a failure.’” —Ezra Taft Benson Today, conflict has become an acceptable aspect of our culture. Society has normalized stereotypes like contentious family dinners and mud-slinging political debates, as if fighting were just a fact of life. But this is not… Continue reading

Which Cross is Mine and How Do I Bear It?

“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.” —Matthew 16:25  Jesus Christ had a heavy cross to bear. His divine mission on earth was to provide eternal salvation for the souls of all mankind. In Matthew 16,… Continue reading

Selfless Service through Self-Reliance

Old pier at sunset with flying seagulls.

Self-reliance gives us the freedom to follow Christ’s commandment to “lift up the hands that hang down” (Doctrine & Covenants 81:5). “Let’s not be gullible gulls. We…must preserve our talents of self-sufficiency, our genius for creating things for ourselves, our sense of thrift and our true love of independence.” In… Continue reading