Everyday Acts of Faith Build Testimonies

Woman Praying on Bed

Even when you do not receive powerful answers to prayers, you can still gain a testimony of Christ and witness his guiding influence in your life. I can count on one hand how many times I have received an obvious answer to a prayer. As a teenager, I often felt… Continue reading

How to Value Change Instead of Fearing It

Fall leaves

Change can be a scary thing, but it doesn’t always have to be. Once we understand the need for change in our life, we can learn to appreciate it.  Change can be difficult, but it is inevitable and important. It is only through change in life that we can become… Continue reading

How My Weaknesses Have Brought Me Closer to Christ

Woman Crying

When facing trials, we may feel like our weaknesses make us failures. But these very weaknesses can be what lead us closer to Christ. At this point in my life, I seem to face a new challenge every day. Sometimes I feel like I have reached the limits of what… Continue reading

What It Really Means to Have Hope

Light shining through the dark

What’s the secret to having hope in dark times? Sister Chieko N. Okazaki explains that having hope means finding meaning and light in life because of Jesus Christ.  When life gets overwhelming and the skies feel dark, it can be hard to know where to find hope and how to… Continue reading

3 Ways To Get to Know Our Savior

A girl stands near a river surrounded by rocks and purple flowers.

Christ has the power to heal us through his Atonement, but we have to be willing to develop a relationship with him first.  Because I have learned about biblical stories and studied the scriptures since I was young, I have always thought that I knew a lot about Jesus. However,… Continue reading

How Doses of Kindness Can Heal a Wounded World

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With so much hate spreading in the world, it’s not enough for us to avoid unkindness like the plague—we need to cure it.  Today, we can find hate almost everywhere we look. In the talk “The Need for Greater Kindness,” President Gordon B. Hinckley states that unkindness is infecting even… Continue reading

5 Ways to Become Converted to the Lord

Christ sitting in the grass with his disciples

Conversion is a lifelong process of dedicating our lives to Christ. Here are a few simple habits that we can develop to help our conversion continue. Becoming converted to the Lord isn’t a one-time event or a casual process. But it also doesn’t have to be intimidating or confusing. In… Continue reading

Devote Your All to Christ

Walking on path through forest

When we devote our all to Christ, we learn to prioritize Jesus in our lives and also experience joy in doing so.  We’ve heard time and again from General Authorities that we live in the most spiritually dangerous era of the world’s existence. Many of the weapons that Satan uses… Continue reading

To Hear the Savior Pray for You

How would it feel if we could hear the Savior pray for us? As we improve our personal prayers, we can experience what that might feel like.   I walked inside, exhausted. Why do I even go on dates if I always come back so drained? Maybe I’m alone in… Continue reading