Be Dedicated, Not Frenzied

boots walking up stairs

Elder Dallin H. Oaks teaches that the best way to live the gospel is through consistent, dedicated effort. In 1952, Illinois governor Adlai E. Stevenson gave a speech in which he said patriotism “is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.” Elder… Continue reading

Don’t Let Virtual Reality Deceive You

Satan minimizes the importance of our bodies through virtual reality experiences and encounters.  If we are to become like Heavenly Father, we must gain a physical body, prove our faithfulness to the Lord, and, after this life is over, present our bodies to God. We can’t achieve our purpose—eternal life—without… Continue reading

Three Steps to Finding a More Abundant Life

Woman smiling with a sun flare behind her

Following these three steps can help us have a more abundant life on earth and achieve the most abundant life of all­­––eternal life.  With homework, family duties, job responsibilities, and church callings filling our days, we can sometimes start to feel like we’re just going through the motions. Sister Cheryl… Continue reading

The Importance of “Real Intent” in Living a Fulfilling Life

Sometimes accepting God’s will can be difficult. But when we obey and serve him with real intent, God will lead us to a life that is greater than what we could have created on our own. In the Book of Mormon, the prophet Lehi tells us that “men are, that… Continue reading

Trusting the Lord’s Health Code

muddy shoes

Ever have doubts about the Word of Wisdom? The original document of this 1833 revelation gives another reason to trust its divinity. Stories of famous stars using drugs show up on Buzzfeed and HuffPost. Peer pressure to drink and smoke blows up your newsfeed. People taunt, “Why can’t you drink… Continue reading

To Simplicity and Beyond

fruit basket

Are you too busy? Is your schedule overloaded? When things aren’t adding up, start subtracting. Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone. Life is a constant balancing act. Between attending classes, going to work, taking care of loved ones, fulfilling a calling, and much more—life can be overwhelming. In a world filled… Continue reading

Forgotten Commandments in a Changing World

Singer at a concert

Elder L. Tom Perry warns us not to ignore six of the Ten Commandments. It’s easy for most of us to avoid murdering, stealing, and lying and to obey our parents. But we often neglect six of the other commandments. In a video featured on the Mormon Newsroom website, Elder… Continue reading

Life’s Two Companions—A Spouse and the Holy Ghost

couple on pier

God’s plan for each of us includes two companions to help us become divine. Learn how our spouse and the Holy Ghost can help us reach this exalted goal. Heavenly Father’s individual plan for us involves more than just returning home to him. Brother Larry M. Gibson, former first counselor… Continue reading

Environmental Stewardship

blue skies on blue water

As children of God, we have a divine calling to care for the earth, use its resources wisely, and preserve it for future generations. The budding of a flower, the pounding of a waterfall, the shining of the stars—each scene and element contributes to the masterpiece of the earth. God… Continue reading

Understanding the Church’s Stance on Same-Sex Attraction

multiple hands around man

In a world of conflicting voices, it is important for us to understand and be able to articulate the Church’s teachings on homosexuality. Recently, there have been conflicting views among some Church members about whether judicial rulings regarding same-sex marriage should be upheld. Groups such as Mormons Building Bridges are… Continue reading