How to See the Love in God’s Laws

God has given us some pretty tough laws to follow because he loves us and knows what will ultimately be best for us. Life is hard. Sometimes it can feel like God is opposed to the desires of our hearts, and sometimes keeping his commandments can be downright painful. We… Continue reading

Abortion: Clarity from a Prophet

Quiet the voices of the world and refocus on the sanctity of life by remembering President Russell M. Nelson’s counsel. Today, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are truly peculiar in the eyes of the world. The commandments of God differ from many popular opinions, and… Continue reading

Forgotten Commandments in a Changing World

Singer at a concert

Elder L. Tom Perry warns us not to ignore six of the Ten Commandments. It’s easy for most of us to avoid murdering, stealing, and lying and to obey our parents. But we often neglect six of the other commandments. In a video featured on the Mormon Newsroom website, Elder… Continue reading