Taking Control of Our Thoughts

We can be empowered to take control over our own thoughts and increase our spiritual connection to God. Some days it feels like everywhere I turn I’m being overwhelmed by information. Sometimes my mind can’t take it, and I feel like I’ve lost control of my own thoughts. But I’ve… Continue reading

How to Stay Spiritually Safe

The best way to protect yourself from the terror that threatens the world is to turn to the scriptures to learn about God’s protection. Every story in the news highlights the instability of the world we live in. Wars, politics, violence, and hate are presented to us every day, and… Continue reading

No Scars Remain

Christ wants to heal our spirits completely—all we have to do is repent.  When my six-year-old brother broke his arm, he immediately thought, I bet Dad can fix it! My dad is not a doctor, but in my brother’s mind, he can do anything. While my brother was a little… Continue reading

Change in the Church: Eternal Doctrines, Revealed Applications

As members of a living church with continuing revelation, we need to understand the difference between unchanging doctrines and procedural adjustments. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is directed by revelation. However, when curriculums and even regular worship schedules change, it can be hard to reconcile the idea… Continue reading

You Don’t Have to Feel Guilty—Depression Is Hard Enough

Depression diminished my feelings of gratitude and left me feeling guilty, but a talk reminded me that I don’t have to feel guilty for being depressed. Most people think depression is a constant, deep sadness. It’s not. At least, for me it’s not. When my depression is at its worst,… Continue reading

Contest Winner: Everyone Can Be a Witness

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We all have a story worth sharing because God is part of each of our lives. He is our Father whether we are Christian or not. I believe that everyone has a story. By that, I mean that all people—even those self-proclaimed as “insignificant”—have something in their past that is worth… Continue reading

Understanding the Church’s Stance on Same-Sex Attraction

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In a world of conflicting voices, it is important for us to understand and be able to articulate the Church’s teachings on homosexuality. Recently, there have been conflicting views among some Church members about whether judicial rulings regarding same-sex marriage should be upheld. Groups such as Mormons Building Bridges are… Continue reading