The Wisdom of the Aged

We may cherish physical strength, but the Lord knows what strengths his leaders need. Seeing President Thomas S. Monson be able to give only a couple of short talks at general conference is saddening. His physical abilities are declining, and the weaknesses of old age are apparent. But old age has its strengths—strengths that are so great… Continue reading

Do I Have To?

We often selfishly ask ourselves if the commandments to love and serve others really apply to us. The Savior lovingly reminds us that they do. Two very different people each asked an unassuming and easily justifiable question. One asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Another asked, “And who is my… Continue reading

Sisters, No Effort Is Lost

Photo of young women in front of the Manila, Philippines Temple courtesy of

While we may not always feel the significance of the little things we do, God keeps a perfect record and none of our efforts are lost. Have you ever gotten stuck thinking about all the people you neglected to help or about the things you failed to get done in… Continue reading

Cultivating a Spirit of Thanksgiving

porcupine among food

During a two-month internship in Brazil, I had difficulty developing feelings of gratitude for the very things that made my experience so amazing. As I stood under the pathetic, lukewarm trickle of the shower, struggling to rid my hair of the last of the fruity shampoo suds, I was struck… Continue reading

After the Checklist: What’s Next

Life doesn’t stop when we reach some of our goals. We have to set new ones to keep progressing.   Young adulthood is full of life-changing decisions such as where to attend college, whom to marry, and what career to pursue. Once we’ve checked these items off our figurative to-do… Continue reading

What’s Your Why?

man on a bike

There’s more to living the gospel than mere obedience. We need to understand the why behind our decisions and act with deliberate purpose.  There are countless reasons we might do certain things in our lives. We might do our homework because we want to get good grades, because we want… Continue reading

Graduating Life with Honors

Decisions to take the higher road can make us feel disadvantaged; but when in doubt, consider what the Anti-Nephi-Lehies did.  In the Book of Mormon, Aaron presents his account of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies—a people who, when they had come to a knowledge of their Savior, promised never to lift their swords… Continue reading

Creativity: A Link to Father in Heaven

man crouching on a rock overlooking a the tops of clouds and a sunrise.

Not everyone is a master in the arts, but everyone is born with a spirit bursting with creativity. Unlocking this gift can help us establish a closer connection to our Heavenly Father. Some people don’t think they are very creative because they can’t play a musical instrument or have never… Continue reading

Contest Winner: A Girl, Her Journal, and the Memories that Saved Her

Gratitude has the power to heal desperation, shame, sadness, and more. As I wrote down the ways I’d seen God’s hand in my life every day, my burdens lifted. I have a little black journal I write in every night. It has a tight red elastic band that has left an indent… Continue reading

Outshining the Darkness

a castle wall

When you have questions or concerns about the gospel—don’t lose hope. Heavenly Father sends his guidance to you while you are doing your best to progress. On a cold, dark night in 1972, more than 100 people died because the crew of their plane was more focused on a light… Continue reading