Elder Ronald A. Rasband: A Life of Service

Ronald A. Rasband

Elder Ronald A. Rasband said of his call to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: “It was the Lord’s decision and . . . I needed to understand that and have it confirmed to me.” Elder Ronald A. Rasband was sustained on October 3, 2015, as a member of the… Continue reading

Ann Romney at BYU

Ann Romney at BYU

Ann Romney spoke to the hearts of the grieving and the discouraged at her book release at BYU. Ann Romney, wife of former presidential candidate Governor Mitt Romney, released her new book, In This Together: My Story, at BYU on Thursday, October 1. The Deseret News reported from the campus. Ann spoke… Continue reading

Conference Isn’t Over

Remember the messages and promptings from the October 2015 general conference as you read and revisit the messages shared. “Repentance is real and it works.” —Elder Allen D. Haynie “We do not strive for conversion to the Church but to Christ and his gospel.” —Elder D. Todd Christofferson  “If our… Continue reading

How Is a New Apostle Called?

When a vacancy opens in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the process of choosing a new apostle is guided by heavenly inspiration. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is organized in the same way that Jesus Christ organized… Continue reading

Don’t Let Virtual Reality Deceive You

Satan minimizes the importance of our bodies through virtual reality experiences and encounters.  If we are to become like Heavenly Father, we must gain a physical body, prove our faithfulness to the Lord, and, after this life is over, present our bodies to God. We can’t achieve our purpose—eternal life—without… Continue reading

Elder L. Tom Perry: Builder of Souls

Picture of L. Tom Perry on a background with a sunset

Elder L. Tom Perry lived a life of service to his fellow men as a builder of churches and souls. On May 30, 2015, L. Tom Perry—a man with a big smile and an even bigger heart—passed away. Elder Perry (1922–2015) lived a long life of service. As a young man,… Continue reading

How Burdens Can Become Blessings

Through faith and patience, we can learn how the burdens of today can become the blessings of tomorrow. Experiencing an overload? Obligations, illnesses, decisions—each of us carries a load. Sometimes our loads seemingly become too heavy to bear. But Elder L. Whitney Clayton shows us that our burdens don’t have to… Continue reading

The Atonement: The End to Addiction

Jesus praying for our sins

Are you struggling with recurring sins? Don’t give up—give your all to Christ. Through the Atonement, he can help you overcome addiction. Have you ever heard the phrase misery loves company? Satan wants to see us indulge in sin and addiction so that we will feel miserable, frustrated, and hopeless… Continue reading

Three Steps to Finding a More Abundant Life

Woman smiling with a sun flare behind her

Following these three steps can help us have a more abundant life on earth and achieve the most abundant life of all­­––eternal life.  With homework, family duties, job responsibilities, and church callings filling our days, we can sometimes start to feel like we’re just going through the motions. Sister Cheryl… Continue reading

Is What You’re Feeling Guilt or Shame?

We expect to feel guilt when we sin, since we know that godly sorrow is essential to true repentance. But is it possible that we mistake shame for guilt? Guilt is a universal emotion. But for religious people, feelings of guilt can escalate because we believe that we have not… Continue reading