We Do Not Walk Alone

Woman walking alone in nature

When it feels like we are left alone to face our trials, we can be assured that the Savior will always walk with us. I switched my college major four times because I didn’t feel a passion for anything. Each time I switched majors, I felt that I was getting… Continue reading

It’s Time to Let Go of Your Past

Silhouette of tree against sunset

If we don’t let go of the past, we run the risk of committing the greater sin of focusing on the past  instead of enjoying the present. Do you know what it’s like to have your past mistakes loop through your head repeatedly? I do. After you’ve done all you… Continue reading

Trusting in Our “Promise Keeper”


God has promised each of us blessings that we may receive only after this life. How can we trust God and find happiness now? The problem with eternity is that it lasts a really long time. When we are promised blessings, God fulfills them in his eternal time. Sometimes we… Continue reading

The Transforming Power of Service

A group of people.

When we lose ourselves in the service of others, we can overcome personal anxieties and insecurities. At times we all experience loneliness, anxiety, or despair. How do we overcome these feelings? In his article “A Holier Pattern of Service,” Elder Patrick Kearon related a memorable experience from his youth that… Continue reading

Moments of Awe, Moments of Faith

Sunlight shining through the clouds with a silhouette of a tree.

When God’s light feels dim, he asks us to have faith by remembering moments of past light. In a moment of enlightening awe, I saw God’s plan for me in clear focus. I stood up after receiving a priesthood blessing and knew that Heavenly Father was guiding me through the… Continue reading

Reflecting on the Pandemic

The past few years have been hard and unpredictable—but what can we learn from them? As mask mandates begin to lift and life begins to return to something approaching normal, I can understand the desire to stop thinking about the pandemic. Life seems to have been paused for two years.… Continue reading

Shake It Off

Hand catching raindrops

Recognizing our divine traits allows us to shed offense and live a happier life.  Have you ever shared an opinion, only to have it ridiculed? Have you ever been betrayed by another person’s indiscreet or foolish behavior? If these things have ever happened to you, you’ve probably felt hurt or… Continue reading

Simple Truths in President Monson’s Short Talks

Rose against a white background

I learned a lot from reading the simple truths in the testimony of the Prophet of God.  “Why is the world so complicated?” I asked my husband one day after getting home from school. This question was the result of hours of school discussions, research projects, and social media scrolling… Continue reading

Keepers of the Lower Lights

Lighthouse and sunset

Through our daily actions and words, we can be a light that guides people to Christ. While most people know that lighthouses direct ships safely into harbors, many people may not realize that other lights are still necessary to help ships reach the shore. If ships simply steer in the… Continue reading

Becoming Whole Through Broken Hearts

Ceramic circle with cracked clay

When we offer our broken hearts to God, he can mend them and transform our brokenness into beauty. The first time I saw a piece of kintsugi pottery, I was struck by the gold cracks in the bowl. Once broken, the bowl was laboriously made whole again by a master… Continue reading