Repentance is Cool

close up on red and orange tulips in a field

We should not feel ashamed, scared, or angry about repenting. Repentance is an opportunity to heal, grow, and understand God’s love for us.  When I was serving as a missionary, my mission president would always enthusiastically say, “Repentance is cool!” I thought it sounded cheesy, but it was true. It… Continue reading

A Gospel of Questions

Woman in Yellow Long Sleeve Shirt Lying on her back on a Couch reading

We should always be willing to ask questions in this life, and being mindful about the questions we ask will help us progress. When was the last time you asked an earnest question? Not a rhetorical or half-hearted question, but a question to which you truly wish you had an… Continue reading

Wanting Eternal Life

The blessing of eternal life becomes infinitely more attractive once we understand what it entails. The promise of eternal life can sometimes be difficult to want. When we face hardships in life, the last thing we want to imagine is life, the seeming root of all our problems, lasting forever.… Continue reading

Overcoming Bad Habits

close up of someone writing in a journal

With Christ’s help we can replace our bad habits with good ones. We all have habits that we are trying to change, whether they are big or small. One habit I’m trying to overcome is spending too much time on TikTok. To change my habit, I decided I was going… Continue reading

“Peace I Leave With You”

Hand extended holding a dove with a teal background

The tools we need to “grow an economy of genuine goodness in society” are found in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  In the current climate of growing social unrest and war, peace is needed more than ever. As Elder Jeffrey R. Holland reminds us in his April 2021 general conference… Continue reading

Sexual Wholeness

people holding hands in the shape of a heart

Understanding the meaningfulness of sexual intimacy can help us acknowledge the role of sexuality in our lives and be okay with being single. It can be hard as young single adults to understand the sexual feelings we experience and to exercise patience as we look forward to expressing those feelings… Continue reading

Four Tips to Love Yourself

woman greeting sunrise with arms spread

Here are some ways you can love yourself, starting today. I hated myself for a long time. I hated my imperfections, my mental illnesses, my poor choices. It became hard to love myself because I believed that everyone around me expected me to be a perfect woman.  One day I… Continue reading

You’re Not Stuck to Your Life Story

woman in orange in front of a building

How would you tell your own life story? Many cultures use stories to explain things in life that we don’t understand. Greek mythology often explained trials by blaming them on some god’s whims or personal vendetta. Luckily, our God is not like the gods of ancient Greece. Though our God… Continue reading

Trials and Tribulations as Disguised Mercies

A man slumped.

When the burdens on your back are overbearing, remember that our stumbling blocks are God’s gifted stepping stones. Pandemic. Job loss. Family division. Controversy. Wars. Rumors of wars. We are all affected by the turmoil of the world right now, and it is scary. Some people shake their fists at… Continue reading

Failure—It’s All Part of the Plan

A woman writing on a chalkboard.

When failure becomes motivation, we can learn and grow from any outcome. While pursuing his undergraduate degree at BYU, Matthew O. Richardson failed a chemistry test.  He hurried out of the classroom after stuffing the test with the red “76” scrawled at the top into his backpack. In disbelief, he… Continue reading