Why Your Greatest Accomplishments Can Be Small and Simple

We often think we need to change the world in order to feel accomplished. In truth, it’s the small and simple things that are harder to achieve and more glorious in reward. In “Small and Simple Things,” President Dallin H. Oaks reminds us of a familiar scripture: “By small and… Continue reading

When the Waves Come Crashing

When life is really hard and we feel like we’re drowning, God will help us if we cry out to him. Waves were crashing around me—monstrous waves. I couldn’t breathe. I was drowning. Panicking. Flailing. I was on my bed, anguishing about the storms in my life, when Ether 2:24–25… Continue reading

My Mother’s Prayer

I’ve seen the fulfillment of the Lord’s promise in Doctrine and Covenants 19:38 many times. That blessing was particularly meaningful one night on a train in Europe. When I was a junior in high school, I and 80 classmates in AP European History went on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Europe.… Continue reading

Imperfections Are Not Limitations

Weaknesses are part of human nature. But if we give our imperfections to the Lord, he will shape us into something beautiful.  We’re all imperfect and thus have weaknesses. Oftentimes, we see these limitations as failures. We aspire to reach our full potential but are unable to reach that point… Continue reading

Four Tips for Coping with a Loved One’s Addiction

Addiction affects not just the addict but also family and friends. Here are four ways loved ones can cope with that burden. What do you when a loved one is struggling with addiction? How do you react? In the Ensign article “When a Loved One Struggles with Addiction,” Corrie Lynne… Continue reading

The Whys of Suffering

Why does an all-powerful God allow his children to suffer? If we are God’s children and he is a loving and perfect God, why does he allow suffering? This question has perplexed and troubled many people for years, and it’s truly difficult to come to terms with the immense suffering… Continue reading

#floodtheearth: Hastening the Work Through Technology

In our media-filled society, what can we do to help the Lord hasten his work? Whether you’re a social media master or someone who hasn’t quite figured out what a tweet is, you can find help in Elder David A. Bednar’s 2014 Education Week address, “To Sweep the Earth as… Continue reading

The First Vision Goes Global

Want the whole story? Differing accounts of Joseph Smith’s First Vision are now available in 10 languages. Contrary to popular belief, the First Vision account included in the scriptures is not the only version available. At least four accounts were written by Joseph Smith or recorded at his request. Five more… Continue reading

The Parable: Simply Complex

woman looking through binoculars

While parables can simplify confusing doctrine, the parables themselves have complex layers that require the reader’s full attention in order to grasp the full doctrine. Jesus’s parables are practically magic; through them, we can see ourselves in almost every character, apply them to current situations, and understand complex doctrine. The Savior’s parables are an almost… Continue reading

Weaving Discipleship into Our Spiritual Tapestry

Being a disciple isn’t just what we do; it’s who we are. When I’d hear the word disciple, I used to imagine the ancient apostles Mark, Peter, and John literally following in the Savior’s footsteps. Since two millennia separated me from when Christ lived on the earth, I felt that… Continue reading