No Scars Remain

Christ wants to heal our spirits completely—all we have to do is repent.  When my six-year-old brother broke his arm, he immediately thought, I bet Dad can fix it! My dad is not a doctor, but in my brother’s mind, he can do anything. While my brother was a little… Continue reading

Come Follow Me: More Than Just a Manual

The Church’s new program invites us to become more converted in our love of Christ through teaching gospel truths. Christians everywhere recognize the phrase “Come, follow me” as Christ’s invitation to follow his example. In October 2016, Elder Robert D. Hales taught about this invitation to follow the Savior in his… Continue reading

“That Part’s My Favorite!”

Christ said, “Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see.” But are we really seeing the wonders of the gospel, or just looking past them? Alsivan was ecstatic when he learned that he could live with his son forever. He is a single father I met on… Continue reading

Abortion: Clarity from a Prophet

Quiet the voices of the world and refocus on the sanctity of life by remembering President Russell M. Nelson’s counsel. Today, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are truly peculiar in the eyes of the world. The commandments of God differ from many popular opinions, and… Continue reading