How You Belong in the Family Proclamation

A woman and two boys play with a dog

Even if you feel like your family is broken or simply does not reflect the structure of other families in the Church, you still have a place within the family proclamation. If you feel like your family is broken or incomplete, it can be difficult to understand how the principles… Continue reading

The Reality of Heavenly Mother

Knowing that we have a Heavenly Mother doesn’t just make sense, but it’s also incredibly comforting. We are literal children of our Heavenly Father. Because we know this to be true and because we know it takes two parents to make a child, it makes sense that he is not… Continue reading

A Woman’s Place: What Does Gender Equality Really Mean?

silhouette of woman at sunset

Where is a woman’s place? What is gender equality? See what millennials, scholars, and prophets are saying. For some, gender equality means that men and women are equal only if they do exactly the same things in the workplace and at home. However, many recent studies show a wave of traditionalism sweeping over the… Continue reading

Family: 3 Things the Devil Doesn’t Want You to Know

father and young son sit on a hammock

In order to rise above this world’s moral confusion, we must strengthen family relationships with faith in Jesus Christ.  It’s possible that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have never been more “peculiar” (1 Peter 2:9) than we are today. In a world ever shifting toward selfishness… Continue reading

Sharing the Christian Message—Hand in Hand

Latter-day Saints share many of the same beliefs as other religions, including our stance on the family. We can work together as religious people to share elements of the gospel with the world.   As the fight for the family becomes more heated in modern society, people of different religions… Continue reading