Choosing to Trust God Unconditionally

Ocean waves and a zipline over a beach.

When we learn to trust God completely, we can move forward with faith, knowing that he will support and guide us through life’s most challenging moments.  The higher I climbed, the more I questioned my sanity. It was the end of summer break, and I had decided to go zip-lining… Continue reading

You Are Deserving

Woman sitting on a dock.

Though sometimes it may feel impossible to continue on, we can never be so broken that the Lord can’t make us whole again. In times of trial and affliction, it can feel as if there is no end in sight. For those who suffer from mental illness, the struggles can… Continue reading

Testimony: Our Divine Motivation

Hands clasped on a wall

Testimonies can be far more than checkboxes on a developmental to-do list. We can experience promised blessings and enact meaningful changes in ourselves when we are motivated by our testimonies. “Get a testimony” is only one of many tasks on our spiritual to-do lists, but it is arguably the most… Continue reading

Rediscovering My Connection with God

Train tunnel.

When our connection with God feels weak, we can find strength by remembering he is our Father and the Savior is our Redeemer. Oftentimes we’ll go above and beyond to regain a missing internet connection on our cell phone: we’ll try everything that normally does work, and it just won’t… Continue reading

We Are More Than Survivors

White flowers on a green stem.

When bad things happen to us, such as abuse, bullying, or trauma, we must remember what Christ said: “I know your sorrows, and I have come to deliver you” (Exodus 3:8–9). Survival stories come in many different forms. Some may think of natural disasters, wilderness survival, or plane crashes, while… Continue reading

Choosing Faith in the Face of Uncertainty

Scrabble pieces spelling “faith over fear”

When faced with moments of spiritual silence, how do we maintain our faith and hope? Uncertainty is a universal constant that stems from unknown future variables, such as schooling, careers, spouses, finances, health, or other life plans. As Erin Kramer Holmes says in her BYU devotional, “Waiting Upon the Lord:… Continue reading

Faith in the Future

Woman in an orange vest looking at a cloudy sky.

In learning from past mistakes, make sure you don’t lose sight of brighter days ahead. Faith in Jesus Christ is always grounded in hope for the future. Sometimes we may feel stuck in the past. Although this is a common experience, living in the past can hold us back from… Continue reading

Humility Will Take Us Home

Man sitting with hands clasped to cover his face

We are taught to “be ye therefore perfect” (Matthew 5:48), but is this actually attainable? With the help of Christ, it is—in time. We’ve all experienced feelings of pressure or stress. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with simple everyday tasks, school, work, or the expectations of family and friends. My to-do… Continue reading

Having Faith to Continue On

Clouds over a valley.

As we strive to have faith through trials, obedience can help our faith grow stronger. Recently, I have had challenges with infertility and other health problems that have made it a little harder to continue with faith and to continue with the belief that everything will work out. It’s been… Continue reading

We Do Not Walk Alone

Woman walking alone in nature

When it feels like we are left alone to face our trials, we can be assured that the Savior will always walk with us. I switched my college major four times because I didn’t feel a passion for anything. Each time I switched majors, I felt that I was getting… Continue reading