Feeling Stuck?

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Although you might not always feel like you’re moving forward, even small steps count as progress. Do you ever feel like life just isn’t going anywhere, like you’re working as hard as you can without making any forward progress? Ashlee Cunningham’s Liahona article “How Do I Know If I’m Moving… Continue reading

God Is in the Gaps

Seeing the sun through a gap

Though we may not see the whole picture, God shows us enough that we can have faith in him. How can people have faith in something they can’t see? How can the small pieces of evidence that we occasionally receive form the foundation of a firm faith? President Steven J.… Continue reading

Fighting Worry With Hope

Rome being burned to the ground.

“Our hearts will always be restless until they rest in God.” When we look around at our modern world, we may feel like things are falling apart. War is raging, institutions are crumbling, and societies are dividing. And yet, despite all this chaos in the world, we are taught that… Continue reading

Doctrine in Doubles

Eternal truths can be found when we understand the blessings of Gospel doctrines. We’re very familiar with the phrase in James 2:17: “Faith, if it hath not works, is dead.” But we’re less familiar with the truth that agency without responsibility is also dead—and becomes just a series of decisions.… Continue reading

Mountains Out of Molehills

Our situation may seem rough in the midst of our trials and hard decisions. Who can we turn to for help? Mountains are beautiful; in many parts of the world they surround us with their towering peaks and treacherous slopes. We often see these slopes as a challenge and try… Continue reading

The Blessings of Owning Your Testimony

When we learn to take charge of our own testimony of Jesus Christ, we’re able to overcome life’s daily struggles.  In her Fall 2022 address to BYU students “Eternal Perspective Through Owning Your Testimony,” Peggy S. Worthen shared a story about a rabbi and the prophet Elijah.   On their journey,… Continue reading

Heavenly Support in Our Hardships

Ukrainian flag in front of dark forest and blue sky

Even when the world around us is falling apart, God is always by our side. The first temple in the former Soviet Union was announced only eight years after Ukraine opened to Latter-day Saint missionaries. It would take another decade to build, but the Ukrainian Saints were faithful and patient.… Continue reading

Getting Your Feet Wet: The Faith to Act

Feet in water

As you wait for the waters to part, don’t hesitate to start walking. Trust that soon enough you’ll see the dry ground beneath your feet. As a high school senior, I prayed daily about which college to attend, but I did not get an answer from God. Frustrated, I eventually… Continue reading

6 Questions to Evaluate Your Faith

Silhouette of a man praying in foggy field

Have you ever wondered if your faith is enough? Strengthen your faith with Elder Kacher’s advice before trials come! In today’s world, having faith in God and His Son Jesus Christ can be hard. Naysayers plant seeds of confusion and doubt in the hearts of the Saints. Under such attacks,… Continue reading

Five Steps to Finding Divine Guidance for Your Life

Blond woman looking out of a car window.

Our Heavenly Father guides us with perfect wisdom and has set up a way for us to find guidance and answers through the gift of prayer. How do we recognize God’s guidance when we need help navigating life’s decisions or struggles? In his general conference address “Learning to Recognize Answers… Continue reading