Choosing to Be Kind

Woman Falling in a Line Holding Each Other

Kindness is not a trait, it’s a choice—one we have to make even when it’s hard. It’s no secret that we live in a contentious time. We have found ourselves facing a global pandemic, political and social unrest, and the rise of social media and its cancel culture. Not surprisingly,… Continue reading

Counting Dandelions: Looking Inward in an Environment of Comparison

A man in a gray sweatshirt faces a forest full of green trees

Focusing on the things we can do to improve ourselves and avoiding comparison with others will allow the healing power of the gospel to help us. With the increasing popularity of social media, we are constantly barraged with other people’s lives, which fosters an environment of comparison. We may criticize… Continue reading

God’s Love Is There—I Promise

gold ballon that spells the word love

Find God’s love in your own life. I promise you, it is there. “Brothers and sisters, do you know how completely God, our Heavenly Father, loves you?” Sister Susan H. Porter, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency, shares this sentiment in her talk “God’s Love: The Most Joyous to… Continue reading

How Do I Know if I Am Worthy?

man in black hoodie sitting on bench near green trees

Feelings of doubt and guilt can make us feel as if we aren’t doing enough to be worthy. If we are honestly trying our best to follow Jesus Christ, we are worthy. In the struggle of mortality, it can be hard not to stumble over even the tiniest of things.… Continue reading

How Can I Minister as Christ Did?

Man Soothing Crying Sad Woman on Sofa

Christ is the perfect example of ministering to the one. How can we use our modern-day resources to serve and minister as he did? “What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go… Continue reading

Slow Down and Connect with Heaven

Two people sitting on a fallen log in a forest

We can feel God’s presence if we pause to ponder and notice the beauty in our lives.  “Do you take time to discover each day how beautiful your life can be?” Elder Richard G. Scott asked this question in his 1996 general conference address “Finding Joy in Life.” His talk… Continue reading

“In My Name Shall They Be Called, and They Are Mine”

John the Baptist Baptizes Jesus Christ

We don’t have to wait until the Savior’s coming to be called by his name and hear his voice. Our covenants are meant to help us accomplish those aims here and now. I recently came across the words of the Savior to Alma in Mosiah 26:18, 21, and 24. The… Continue reading

3 Steps to Find Peace in Trying Times

Man silhouetted against the mouth of a cave over a scenic overlook

Although we can’t control our life’s circumstances, we can find peace throughout any trial by relying on Christ. Peace is something the majority of people search for in life. We have likely felt peace at some point, but we have probably also felt its absence. The social and civil unrest… Continue reading

Our Worth in God’s Eyes

Sunlight shining over the horizon of the planet Earth viewed from space

Knowing we matter to God can help us to accept who we are. We may think that our imperfections make us worthless, but we are everything to God. The magnificent things that surround us—the universe as a whole—may sometimes make us wonder how our value can be comparable to all… Continue reading

The Surprising Lesson We Can Learn from Pickles


Cucumbers become pickles through a deliberate process of transformation. Similarly, each of us must be transformed, or born again, through Jesus Christ. I still remember the day I learned that pickles used to be cucumbers. As a young girl, I couldn’t fathom how one food could turn into another with… Continue reading