Catching a Vision of Your Future

Preparing for your future starts with the decisions you make now. Young adulthood has been described as a decade of decisions, but it can also be a decade of dreams. As Elder Erich W. Kopischke counsels in “What Do You Envision in Life?” it is important to have a clear vision… Continue reading

Single and Still Faithful

In a church that focuses so much on dating, marriage, and family, how can you avoid feeling discouraged when you are single? Being single is often difficult for members of the Church, no matter their age. Even as a young adult, you may feel unwanted and doubt that you will… Continue reading

Relationships and Peeling Grapefruit

Grapefruit and pomegranate design

We all have tiffs at some time or another with family, friends, or our significant other. But are all of these issues really significant? Having problems with your boyfriend or girlfriend, fiancé, or spouse? Have you ever openly talked about the differences that might cause rifts in your relationship? Once… Continue reading

Why Save Sex for Marriage?

A man and woman walking through a forest together

Waiting until marriage to have sex will improve your relationship. Popular culture in television, music, literature, and art glorifies casual sex and sends the message that it is fun and satisfying to have an intimate relationship with someone before marriage. However, religion and social science studies make stronger arguments that… Continue reading

Three Ways to Strengthen Your Family

Having strong family relationships can help you weather the challenges of life. This year marks 20 years since President Gordon B. Hinckley presented “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.” The doctrines outlined in this document regarding marriage and family are designed to build and maintain family strength, especially in… Continue reading

Hints and Clear Signals: Dating Tips from Young Single Adults

When it comes to dating, it can be difficult to know what the other person is thinking. Learn how to send and receive the right signals. Feeling uncertain when it comes to dating is normal. It can be hard to pick up on clues to understand who is or is… Continue reading

To Simplicity and Beyond

fruit basket

Are you too busy? Is your schedule overloaded? When things aren’t adding up, start subtracting. Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone. Life is a constant balancing act. Between attending classes, going to work, taking care of loved ones, fulfilling a calling, and much more—life can be overwhelming. In a world filled… Continue reading

Face to Face with the Bednars

Elder and Sister Bednar tackle tough questions from young people worldwide about love, relationships, and what it means to be an Apostle today.   Have you ever wanted to sit down with someone who had the answers to all your questions and concerns? What would you ask an Apostle if… Continue reading