Is There Just One Right Way to Be a Mormon Woman?

As disciples of Christ, we don’t all have to be exactly the same. If we are each firmly rooted in our testimonies of Jesus Christ and are committed to following him, the exact circumstances of our lives don’t matter.  In this modern world marked by social media, our lives are full of comparisons. For me, it takes… Continue reading

The Sabbath Day Is Not a Chore

boy reading the bible

Through small and simple means, our Sabbath day worship can be about spiritual rest rather than the guilt trips of the to-do (and to-don’t) list. I was an energetic kid growing up, so three hours of church felt like an eternity. It was all my mother could do to keep… Continue reading

What Is Fasting (and Why Should I Do It)?

We can draw upon the powers of heaven when we fast according to three gospel principles. Latter-day Saints aren’t the only people who associate fasting with spiritual meaning. Many other Christians, as well as many believers who practice Judaism or Islam, abstain from eating at certain times of the year to… Continue reading

Women Speak, Preach, and Teach

microphone with blurry background

We’re quick to say that we love Elder Holland’s fiery sermons and President Uchtdorf’s airplane analogies. But what are our favorite talks given by women?  Men are ordained to offices of the priesthood. Women are not. But that doesn’t mean that women aren’t leaders and teachers in The Church of Jesus Christ of… Continue reading

Our Words May Minister Grace

One young woman whispers to another.

Our language can either lift others or tear them down. As Christ’s disciples, we can use good language and humor to uplift others and bring light to their lives. Everybody loves people who have good humor and wit. On the other hand, it is harder to communicate with people who… Continue reading

The Six B’s and Why They Matter

Bee on a purple flower

In a world filled with challenges and troubles, President Hinckley offers six simple principles to help us make correct decisions and be successful. I love inspirational quotes. I love reading them, collecting them, and plastering them all over my bedroom wall. However, some of these quotes can be long and forgettable.… Continue reading

Modesty: Choose It or Lose It

girl with red flowers on head

It takes courage to choose modesty. Do you have what it takes? We’ve often heard the words “you can’t judge a book by its cover.” If this is true, why do we put so much emphasis on dressing modestly? Why does it matter? Sister Carol F. McConkie explains the importance… Continue reading

Marking the Way Back Home

person walking on a log in the forest.

Our spiritual experiences can become the monuments we raise to mark God’s hand in our lives. If you’ve ever been on a hike, you’ve probably seen stones stacked on top of each other. These manmade trail markers, called cairns, have been used to point out a hiker’s course along the trail, ensuring that hikers know which way… Continue reading

Action: A Product of Our Thoughts and Words

snowy mountain view

The way you think about yourself directly impacts your level of success. Choose to think positively, and your own ability might surprise you.  “I am so bad at math—my brain just doesn’t work that way!” “I forget things all the time!” “I’m never going to be able to manage all of… Continue reading

Combating Satan’s False Advertising

Man with a light in a dark tunnel.

In a world of shifting morality, there is an increasing need to discern right from wrong and take a stand for the truth to combat Satan’s brand of false happiness. What if Satan had an advertising campaign? What would be his slogan? In a BYU devotional address, “A Banquet of Consequences:… Continue reading