Creating a Community of Covenant-Keeping People

Temple building

By keeping our covenants with God, we open the doors to a shared community of belonging with God and with each other. In an increasingly individualized society, it may be difficult to see how any of us can truly connect with and understand one another. However, we can create a… Continue reading

The Keystone of Our Religion, The Keystone of Our Faith

Open scriptures

The Book of Mormon is a compelling witness of the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The Book of Mormon is often referred to as the keystone of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Why? In his talk “God’s Compelling Witness: The Book of Mormon,” Elder Tad… Continue reading

Belonging to God’s Family

People leaning together.

How I found belonging as a single member of the Church It was my first week in a family ward when the Relief Society president asked me to introduce myself. I offered a brief spiel, and after a moment’s pause, an older sister asked, “Are you married?” I felt several… Continue reading

The Greatest Blessing

person folding hands

In a world where distractions constantly compete for our attention, giving our whole selves to the gospel of Jesus Christ leads us to receive the greatest blessing—the gift of eternal life. In Mark 10, when the rich young man denies the Savior’s counsel to sell all his belongings, take up… Continue reading

Beyond the Metaverse: Level Up

A woman biking down a road while wearing a VR headset.

The best achievements occur outside of virtual reality. We can realize meaningful achievements by setting aside technology and developing ourselves. If you’re anything like me, you quietly ignore the weekly usage report from your phone. I accidentally opened mine recently, and I saw that I had spent an average of… Continue reading

How You Can Be A Missionary by Using the Correct Name of the Church

young women walking

Using the correct name of the Church brings more spiritual blessings than we realize. Since President Russell M. Nelson’s reemphasis on using the correct name of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Church has updated everything from email domains to teaching materials in order to follow the… Continue reading

Called to Be an Apprentice

A man using woodworking tools.

Because we are not yet masters, God has not asked us to produce a masterpiece. Instead, he invites us into his workshop as apprentices to Jesus Christ. At age 17, I struggled to pound and twist and mold my messy life into a masterpiece. Alone, I strove to right my… Continue reading

Strength in the Struggle

hiking on a snowy mountain

Recognizing repentance as a divine gift of hope and healing can transform the way we view our mistakes. One Tuesday evening as I sat in the back row of an institute class, I read a sentence from Elder D. Todd Christofferson that changed my life: “Real repentance, real change may… Continue reading