Can Christ Really Heal ME?

Crowded stairwell.

Jesus Christ has the power to provide healing and relief regardless of the trials we face. Life can be hard for many reasons. Some people suffer from mental illness, addiction, financial burdens, death, or even familial burdens. Everyone struggles and needs help to persevere through life. Sister Carole M. Stephens, then… Continue reading

Stronger with the Savior: Battling Suicidal Thoughts

Even when it feels like life is at its darkest point, we can lean on Jesus Christ to receive the strength we need to overcome our greatest battles.  When facing a seemingly insurmountable trial in our lives, it’s easy to feel hopeless and alone. One mother from Iceland shares her experience battling… Continue reading

The Atonement: How We Can Heal and Forgive

Christ hugging two women

The Atonement of Jesus Christ not only helps us repent; it can also give us the strength to forgive others. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is the most important event in history, but it is often hard to understand. How does it apply to each of us? And what must we do… Continue reading

Your Most Important Choice

A woman praying.

In times of doubt, we can make the decision to believe in and follow Jesus Christ so that his light will guide us throughout our lives. What are some important choices you’ve made in your life? Choosing a career? Deciding to get married? Selecting a place to live? Although all these decisions are… Continue reading

Charity Revisited

man atop a mountain with sky

For the longest time, I didn’t think I had any charity. Whenever I heard about charity in Primary, Sunday School, Young Women, Relief Society, and even many of my university religion classes, the message I always got was that charity was service. Charity was going out and giving, working, and… Continue reading

Who Are the Godhead?

sun streaming through clouds

Understanding who the members of the Godhead are will help you draw closer to God and prepare for your own salvation. There are a lot of different ideas about who God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are as a Godhead. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland explains who they are and… Continue reading

Staying Planted in Christ 

man in aspen trees

Even the strongest testimonies can be shaken, but there are ways you can keep holding on to your faith and stay planted in Christ.  Some Latter-day Saints are experiencing what LDS scholar Patrick Q. Mason refers to as a “faith crisis”: they are questioning their beliefs and seeking answers to… Continue reading

Have Hope: The Light Will Come

brilliant light shines at the end of a row of white columns

I thought this new calling would be my worst nightmare. Instead, it was exactly what I needed.  The first few years of college were hard for me. Really hard. Three years into college, I still found myself struggling. It wasn’t just schoolwork. I felt strangely drained. My workload was what… Continue reading

Why Did Christ Establish a Church?

Christ ordaining and setting apart the twelve Apostles

Although there are many reasons Christ established his church on the earth, perhaps the greatest reason is to satisfy God’s desire to see us progress. In today’s world, a growing number of people seem to be moving away from organized religion in favor of finding their own path to spirituality.… Continue reading

Becoming Like Christ

“It is the first principle of the Gospel to know for a certainty the character of God.” —Joseph Smith In “The Character of Christ,” Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles describes an experience he had years earlier while serving as a stake president. He was… Continue reading