I Was a Stranger: The Call for Relief

Jesus holds a little boy in his lap.

“Reaching out to others with love matters to the Lord.” This is why Latter-day Saint women announced a new refugee relief effort called “I Was a Stranger.”  “Have I done any good in the world today?” Thus began the General Women’s Session of the April 2016 general conference of The… Continue reading

Why Did Christ Establish a Church?

Christ ordaining and setting apart the twelve Apostles

Although there are many reasons Christ established his church on the earth, perhaps the greatest reason is to satisfy God’s desire to see us progress. In today’s world, a growing number of people seem to be moving away from organized religion in favor of finding their own path to spirituality.… Continue reading

What Does God Feel for Millennials?

an iPhone rests against a tree

It’s not easy to live with millennial stereotypes, but knowing who you really are and what God thinks of you can make all the difference. If you are reaching adulthood in the new millennium, society considers you a “millennial.” Modern statistics and surveys provide superficial perspectives on millennials, but in… Continue reading

Creativity: A Link to Father in Heaven

man crouching on a rock overlooking a the tops of clouds and a sunrise.

Not everyone is a master in the arts, but everyone is born with a spirit bursting with creativity. Unlocking this gift can help us establish a closer connection to our Heavenly Father. Some people don’t think they are very creative because they can’t play a musical instrument or have never… Continue reading

Divine Nature: A Virtue Not Just for Women

Seeing others’ divine nature means seeing them as God does. This perspective helps us develop Christlike attributes and makes our service meaningful. In Elder Dale G. Renlund’s first general conference talk as an Apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he spoke of the importance of remembering that a… Continue reading

Contest Winner: A Girl, Her Journal, and the Memories that Saved Her

Gratitude has the power to heal desperation, shame, sadness, and more. As I wrote down the ways I’d seen God’s hand in my life every day, my burdens lifted. I have a little black journal I write in every night. It has a tight red elastic band that has left an indent… Continue reading

Contest Winner: God Is Love

a storm rolls over the ocean

God can seem like an impersonal, unknowable being in the sky. But we can find peace during our hardest times as we seek to understand him as our Father, who loves us individually. My pre-teenage concept of God was perhaps a little irreverent, but it nonetheless sculpted my dutiful, strained relationship with… Continue reading

Contest Winner: “But If Not”

We must have faith that things will work out—but if they don’t work out according to our desires, we need to trust in God and in his timing. During the April 2004 general conference, I listened to a talk by Elder Dennis E. Simmons that literally made me stop in my… Continue reading

Power Up Your Prayers

Close-up of fingers interlaced on a white surface.

When it seems our prayers are unheard or have become mundane, there are ways we can make our prayers more powerful. Sometimes it may feel like our prayers are hitting the ceiling that seemingly stands between us and God. We know that Heavenly Father desires to hear from us and… Continue reading

Outshining the Darkness

a castle wall

When you have questions or concerns about the gospel—don’t lose hope. Heavenly Father sends his guidance to you while you are doing your best to progress. On a cold, dark night in 1972, more than 100 people died because the crew of their plane was more focused on a light… Continue reading