Peace, Love, and Religious Freedom

person in orange robe with fingers entwined

There is more peace in the world when all individuals have the freedom to practice their religion. In today’s world, religion is often portrayed as a scary thing. We watch or read news reports about attacks by radical religious groups. In our history classes, we learn about religious sects fighting one another. On social… Continue reading

Reassurance amid Weakness

silhouette of tree with a pink sky in the background

We can feel reassurance and peace when we realize that our weaknesses and imperfections give us opportunities to draw closer to God. Though most of us are able to recognize the good that we do in our lives, sometimes we focus too much on our imperfections, weaknesses, and mistakes. In… Continue reading

Peacemakers and Children of God

As a people who have decided to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, Mormons should seek opportunities to make peace in the political world. Ernest Benn once said, “Politics is the art of looking for trouble [and] finding it everywhere.” With the political world becoming more and more polarized, it’s… Continue reading

Have Hope: The Light Will Come

brilliant light shines at the end of a row of white columns

I thought this new calling would be my worst nightmare. Instead, it was exactly what I needed.  The first few years of college were hard for me. Really hard. Three years into college, I still found myself struggling. It wasn’t just schoolwork. I felt strangely drained. My workload was what… Continue reading

Comprehending Death

Rose sitting on a headstone

When my friend Malori passed away, my beliefs about life after death were put to the test. Did I really believe in the spirit world? We all will eventually face the reality of losing a loved one. Until recently, though, I had never had to experience that pain. It was… Continue reading

12 Steps to Hope and Healing

a woman walks on the beach, leaving footsteps in the sand

Watch a powerful video series depicting the true accounts of recovering addicts who found hope through the 12 steps of the Church’s Addiction Recovery Program. (Warning: Videos address mature addiction-related topics.) Addiction is a serious condition—one that should be addressed with both frankness and compassion. The Mormon Channel accomplished this… Continue reading

Choosing Peace in the War of Controversy

“Both sides in big controversies . . . should seek to understand the other’s position and seek practical accommodations that provide fairness for all and total dominance for neither.” —Elder Dallin H. Oaks  With the recent legalization of gay marriage in the United States, The Church of Jesus Christ of… Continue reading

Be Dedicated, Not Frenzied

boots walking up stairs

Elder Dallin H. Oaks teaches that the best way to live the gospel is through consistent, dedicated effort. In 1952, Illinois governor Adlai E. Stevenson gave a speech in which he said patriotism “is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.” Elder… Continue reading

Prisoner of War Finds Hope in the Gospel

barn through a fence

During the turmoil of World War II, prisoner Hermann Mössner found strength through the scriptures and church meetings. When German soldier Hermann Mössner was captured as a prisoner of war in World War II, he did not let the chaos of war bring him down. An article titled “Out of… Continue reading

Generating Happiness, Rather than Just Consuming It

A womans smile

How can we find the road to happiness in our turbulent world? Happiness comes from righteousness, selflessness, service, and inner peace. In our constant search for happiness, we experience life’s endless ups and downs. While serving as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Elder James E. Faust  (1920–2007)… Continue reading